I started a daily journal in July 2018. The reason being Mr Eggy was going through a lot with his heart problems. I was making notes in an average page a week appointment diary, re his symptoms/meds/ exercise whether he had angina etc. There wasn’t enough room some days so I bought a page a day journal. To this day I write in it every single day. It’s usually boring stuff, weather, what we had for tea, books I’m reading. Things I watch on the telly. Funny things the grandkids do or say. I don’t write anything personal, I may write how I feel about what’s going on in the world. Anyone could read them and I wouldn’t be embarrassed. I wrote a lot during Covid, I recorded the cases and the deaths, the rules we had to adhere to etc. Some days are more exciting than others, when we’re on holidays or on one of our hikes. When we toured Europe for six weeks in 2019 I filled every page for those weeks. I like to look back sometimes, I’ll pick one randomly from the shelf and turn to the date we’re on and see what happened that year. Usually not much different from any other year TBF! But sometimes I come across things I’d totally forgot about it and that’s nice.
I also staple tickets in, for shows, gardens, etc.