Just why?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Now we're both long retired and no longer have time pressures from work, childcare, meetings etc why on earth is it that almost all health appts are either at sparrow fart (ie early am) or early evening - when we'd both have loved either when we did have time pressures?

It's most unreasonable for starters, to only be allowed to telephone a GP at 8am if you happen to need anything.

Just had my retinopathy appt come through for 9.30am - so that means we have to drive almost into Coventry city centre at the same time as everyone who works there. That 'Rush hour' thing - hardly a relaxing start!!
The clinical appointments I get are all in the early afternoon, the reason being I can’t get to hospital except by patient transport, and they don’t start work until 8.30 or thereabouts. Certainly not early enough to get to the Walton Hospital in Liverpool.

I always get first appointment for colonoscopies because of the starvation, because I get a free butty afterwards, and they are paranoid about T1s. (They never realise I’ve been running on Dextro tablets, they leave no colonic residue).
He he, mines the opposite when ever I get appointments it's always mid day give or take so I have to have time off work normally a full day (a docs pass-out is for 2hr at work but it takes me around 45 mins to get to work anyway by bike so not good or useful for blood pressure/ tests straight after that). I try to get late or early ones but very rarely manage it. Wanna swap lol.
Now we're both long retired and no longer have time pressures from work, childcare, meetings etc why on earth is it that almost all health appts are either at sparrow fart (ie early am) or early evening - when we'd both have loved either when we did have time pressures?

It's most unreasonable for starters, to only be allowed to telephone a GP at 8am if you happen to need anything.

Just had my retinopathy appt come through for 9.30am - so that means we have to drive almost into Coventry city centre at the same time as everyone who works there. That 'Rush hour' thing - hardly a relaxing start!!
I neee to switch appointments with you. I work full time and mine are always an awkward time like 3pm - before the end of the day, too late to call it your lunch break, too early to start and finish early, basically need the afternoon off type of time
My latest one is for 9.40 and I too will have to battle rush hour. Also thought if they sent me to the one more local and I went on the bus, I would not be able to use free bus as I would have to leave home before it starts.
In current climate just happy to get any appointment no matter what time it is, or day for that matter.

When appointments are far away & early morning we just travel day before & stay over in cheap hotel like Travelodge.
Absolutley disgusting that 8 am appointments are the only things available , then they say 111 which could take you 4 to 5 hours to get anywhere or a/e which is crazy and chaotic , its like a third world country
Good god no, there aren't appts at 8am - that's the time the telephone line opens to ring them up to try and get an appt if you need to see a Dr. You can try again at 1pm but if there were no appts left at 8am there certainly aren't any at 1pm.

111 never know the answer and say they'll ring you back but usually, don't.

If you didn't suffer from anxiety before you ring - you certainly will after you try and get hold of them ......
Yes Trophy i know that that is the time 8 that everybody phones to try get appointment but the problem is there are about 40 people phoning at the same time , our practice used 1.30 call for afternoon appointments then they scrapped it just after covid started , the whole thing is a shambles
111 never know the answer and say they'll ring you back but usually, don't.

If you didn't suffer from anxiety before you ring - you certainly will after you try and get hold of them ......
And when they added the endless Covid questions at the beginning, even if your situation has nothing to do with it...I had to call them a couple times in the same morning and went through the questionnaire every time, I was so fed up! Not being a native English speaker didn't help either.
Takes em 4 minutes to tell us they are offering appointments face to face and not to hang on if you think you have Covid, blah blah blah before you get to the bit where you choose from a list of numbers or if you want to speak the reception to try and arrange an appointment, just hang on.
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