Just who do YOU listen to

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Little Miss Chatterbox
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I was thinking as i wrote a reply to a newbie who has just joined about who has the final say on descions on our diabetes.Reason Im asking is when i saw the DSN last she said going onto byetta would be good for me expensive but good, then when i see my GP he says to hang back but I feel the metformin really is not gettng my levels down it has done a job getting my levels under 8 , just who do you listen to when the DSN and GP are saying conflicting things.Has the DSN not got the upper hand as she is the specialist in diabetes after all?.When you think your doctor is wrong how do you tell him? I just feel all confused at the minute.Surely we have a say into what we take as it is us who have to live with the conditon day to day.I just feel my doc is wrong this time.

Id just like to know what others think

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From a parent's perspective, i never listen to the GP. I gave up when they question me why Rose isn't stable yet, why is she having hypos, and why i test at midnight,they don't know much about insulin pumps either....sigh.

When you get your meds prescribed who does it for you anyway? Is it the DSN? If it is then they should just write to your GP advising them. Well in theory....

Whilst I have only met a handful of DSN's who really know their stuff and I have met a fair few, I have met less GP's who know their stuff. You should hear some of the shite they have told me about diabetes, 1 and 2. So in your case I would be listening to the DSN over and above the GP. When your GP says hang back, tell him that there are studies where HbA1cs even 0.1 over 7.5 can cause severe problems and until he can prove otherwise you need to do something now and not hang back. If your DSN can suggest trying something new that is what you want to do not just wait. You don't have time to wait. He wouldn't wait if he had diabetes. You just need to be calm, polite and very strong and say you want to change.

If he won't then complain in writing to the practice manager about your health and facts you know etc etc. We can help with that if it comes to it.

Go with your gut and for you to even write that on here to us, your gut is telling you something is wrong. Go back to the GP. 🙂
There you go, me and Becca (my great great friend) both agree and we didn't discuss this beforehand :D

From a parent's perspective, i never listen to the GP. I gave up when they question me why Rose isn't stable yet, why is she having hypos, and why i test at midnight,they don't know much about insulin pumps either....sigh.

When you get your meds prescribed who does it for you anyway? Is it the DSN? If it is then they should just write to your GP advising them. Well in theory....

My GP prescribes them, she()DSN)wrote a letter to him explaining why it would benifit me going onto byetta but when i went it to see him he had not even opened the mail to see the letter he ended up reading it because i brough it to his attention while sitting in the room with him
My GP prescribes them, she wrote a letter to him explaining why it would benifit me going onto byetta but when i went it to see him he had not even opened the mail to see the letter he ended up reading it because i brough it to his attention while sitting in the room with him

What a plonker !
Ahhh, so the GP was put on the spot then...If it is expensive they probably will ummm and ahhh over it, nevermind if it's for the best. If it's something that has been suggested by your medical team and it's something you want, then like Adrienne says, write to the practice manager if you can get no further with this. Would another GP in the practice be any good?
Ahhh, so the GP was put on the spot then...If it is expensive they probably will ummm and ahhh over it, nevermind if it's for the best. If it's something that has been suggested by your medical team and it's something you want, then like Adrienne says, write to the practice manager if you can get no further with this. Would another GP in the practice be any good?

I like the practice im under tbh and he is good if it aint diabetes related lol.
I listen to my team at the hospital everytime, They specialise in diabetes and what they say goes in my mind.
It's not done me wrong up to now.
I tend to find that now I use DAFNE rules and a pump, My GP surgery is more disconnected from what I actually do now, They are still very good though I must add.
I think it is more difficult for Type 2s not on insulin, as they tend to be seen by their GPs. Type 1s, or people on insulin tend to have a more specialised team working with them. My GP is great, but I don't really expect her to know any more about diabetes than me - I would trust the DSNs I see more, and if they suggested something I wouldn't expect my GP to question it. If she did then she'd fail!🙂
Hospital team everytime. My GP literally just signs the prescriptions for what the hospital or even me, tell her i need.

She can be a bit useless but im thankful i have never had to fight for strips etc. with her.

She seems happy to let the hospital deal with it all but does ask how im getting on etc whenever i have to go and see her abotu other, non diabetes, stuff.
So in conclusion it looks like DSN is saying the right things therefore GP should listen.
I think it is more difficult for Type 2s not on insulin, as they tend to be seen by their GPs. Type 1s, or people on insulin tend to have a more specialised team working with them. My GP is great, but I don't really expect her to know any more about diabetes than me - I would trust the DSNs I see more, and if they suggested something I wouldn't expect my GP to question it. If she did then she'd fail!🙂

Completely agree.
I have managed to get appointment with GP but not until feb usual way of things, they said to you want locum but i said not on this occasion.I will go in armed with plenty ammunition x
Hi Steph,

Good luck when you see the GP - you're doing the right thing going prepared! 🙂 (My current GP is excellent, but in the past I've had a GP try & tell me ketones would not harm the baby whilst pregnant...whereas the diabetes UK advice is that ketones can seriously harm or even kill them!!!!! 😱 Minor detail, eh?!)

All the best for the appointment,

Twitchy x
CAn the DSN prescribe? If so then get her to write you a prescription. If not then ultimatly it's the Dr's decision.

I'd say that mostly it's me who makes the decisions on what happens to me. I chose the insulin regieme that I wanted, decided that I wouldn't trial off insulin, tell them when my meds aren't working. These are done in discussion with my DSN and diabetologist but ultimatly the decisions are mine.
I think they can prescribe. I'm not sure if they need permission from a consultant. Every time I've rung up my DSN about getting hold of something, she's either sorted it out for me, or put it in my hand when I've seen her myself.
I have no idea i will ask when i see her next, I have only met her once since feb as when i last went armed with a load of QS it was a stand in as she was ill.
I am a type 2 on insulin.

At one stage my DSN wanted me to try Byetta but told me that the only person who could prescribe it was my doctor at the diabetes clinic - not my GP. On my next diabetic clinic appointment I discussed it with him but I wasn't suitable for it (in his words) and he couldn't justify it to the top man who has the last word on it.

I know all areas are different on how they work but just wanted to throw this in to say can you not by pass the GP and go to the hospital?

I now inject novomix and humalog by the way 😡
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