Just when you think you’re managing

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Today I met a friend for lunch. Feeling brave I injected in the cafe ( quiet) I usually go to the toilet. After lunch caught the bus home and was a OMG moment. My BS were 17.9. I had a small tuna mayonnaise baguette which I have had before so felt confident injecting two units of Fiasp. I was stuck travelling for 35 minutes. Once home I checked my ketones 0.2. And took 2 units then went low so took four jelly babies. For dinner just took protein. I know most of the time fine but just so upsetting when things go awry. I guess maybe an air bubble or something, ok now lying on the sofa watching tv, BS 6.7. My week in Liverpool BS fantastic. Tomorrow another day , needed to share.
Well done for injecting publicly in the cafe. Sometimes the busier it is the less noticeable it is, so don't let it being busy put you off next time.
What was your pre meal reading?
Is it possible you injected basal insulin instead of bolus? I know not everyone carries them both around with them but I keep them both together in one case.
Did you do an air shot before you injected and see insulin come out of the needle?
I have to say that 2 units of Fiasp seems like a very small amount for a baguette but obviously it depends on your insulin sensitivity and whether you are still producing some insulin yourself. What did you have to drink? Could it have been a full sugar drink instead of diet
If you are still in your honeymoon period, then maybe this might be the start of the end if you get more similar instances.

But yes it is frustrating when you just think you are doing great and then it all goes horribly wrong! Unfortunately, it happens with diabetes, despite our best efforts sometimes and you just have to shrug and hope that next time will be better.... especially if you can't figure out a reason for it. On a positive note, it sounds like yu have regained control reasonably quickly, so well done for that. Hope you have a nice stable evening but might be worth while setting an alarm for through the night to check on it, unless you have Libre 2 which will alert you if levels drop or rise again.

Don't suppose you have has a vaccine recently as that caused some considerable BG disruption for some people, both erratic highs and lows.
It sounds like you might have injected straight before you ate? That will always give a bigger spike so you probably just over corrected too soon rather than giving the insulin enough time to work. What times were your tests
Aww thank you for the replies, my BS were 5.8 before injecting, I only carry the one pen. My times for checking were 12 noon then 1.30. I am LADA so think I still have some insulin as I take one unit for approximately 23 carbs. I did an air shot but it was poor lighting so not absolutely convinced it worked. I just had a black coffee. I will monitor closely this week as maybe 6 months from diagnosis it is changing. Oh the joys.
Do you finger prick or Libre scan? Just wondering if your 17.9 was a rogue reading due to some contamination on your fingers. Just thinking that might explain why the 2 unit correction dropped you low and you then had to eat JBs to bring you up. Could you have touched something mildly sticky on the table in the cafe or passed the sugar bowl to your friend. The tiniest contamination can cause it. It happened to me with onion juice after chopping onions.
I cannot believe it, I did not even think of checking the finger prick. I always do when going low. But I do use the Libre2, but should have used the finger prick for more accurate measurement. At this busy time of year I think panic sets in and it is really only now I am venturing out to eat mostly successfully. Due not only to diabetes but also covid as my husband also vulnerable as he had a recent heart attack but is doing extremely well. We both have had our boosters and try to keep safe whilst maintaining an active life. BS still good tonight steady between 6 and 8.
It sounds like you might have injected straight before you ate? That will always give a bigger spike so you probably just over corrected too soon rather than giving the insulin enough time to work. What times were your tests
OP is using Fiasp so you do inject just before you eat.
OP is using Fiasp so you do inject just before you eat.
I am also using Fiasp and I need to inject minimum 20 mins before eating but 45mins prebolus time at breakfast unless I wake up in the 4s and then maybe just 30 mins prebolus.
As with everything diabetes related, it is very individual.
I am also using Fiasp and I need to inject minimum 20 mins before eating but 45mins prebolus time at breakfast unless I wake up in the 4s and then maybe just 30 mins prebolus.
As with everything diabetes related, it is very individual.
Then again if I did as you do I would be 6 feet under. If your basal is correct then the Fiasp works very quickly as stated in the patient leaflets.
My comment re the bolus was purely due to the instructions issued for use by the manufactures.
Then again if I did as you do I would be 6 feet under. If your basal is correct then the Fiasp works very quickly as stated in the patient leaflets.
My comment re the bolus was purely due to the instructions issued for use by the manufactures.
The fiasp clearly isn’t working as quickly as it does for you given the bgs shared
The fiasp clearly isn’t working as quickly as it does for you given the bgs shared
Then again it obviously worked very quickly to cause a low as it did. So I rest my case it sounds as if the OP had either a rouge reading or miscalculated the carbs in her meal. Either way all ends well.
A quick update, BS seem to have settled now in range between 5 and 8, and 5.8 this morning. So strange, and I take the Fiasp just before I eat and 20 mins before breakfast of porridge in the morning. Thank you all again, so good to hear all the opinions.
OP is using Fiasp so you do inject just before you eat.
I find the speed at which Fiasp works is dependent upon my blood sugars. It works very fast when my levels are about 4 or 5 but can take an hour to work if my levels are in double figures.
So when I inject relative to food depends on my levels.
And time of day - with Foot On The Floor, I need to inject earlier for breakfast.

If my levels were 17, as @Elizabethe mentioned, I would not inject just before eating.
If my levels were 17, as @Elizabethe mentioned, I would not inject just before eating.
The 17 was after she got home she was 5.8 before injecting.
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