just when things were ok

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hey all i am back online! stupid virgin media keep cutting us off for no apparent reason 😡

Well yet again i have been kicked to the ground just when things were starting to go ok for me...was relatively happy for the past couple weeks had some amzing weekends and bloo sugars were...okish well i went to the doctors today as my back has started to play up again ( i hurt it a few years back at work) and turns out i have a syatic (sp?) nerve which is causing alot of pain down one side of my back and leg! The doc said that they need to find out if the diabetes is contributing towards it and so have to have more blood tests next week and then that may lead to a refferal to a physiotherapist!! :(

Also i think i am out of my honeymoon period as my ratios i have found are not effective any more and having alot more hypers than usual, before i could have bacon and eggs for brekkie with no insulin, and now when i do that i spike right up to 10mmols 😱 so now have to have more insulin than normal :(

So yea pretty down at the moment...
Sorry to hear about your back ... can i ask if you lost a lot of weight around your dx? My daughter has had back problems since dx and her doctor said it was because of the weight/muscle loss. hers has got better by itself now that she has more 'meat' on her, but they were thinking of physio for her.

Hope you get it sorted out 'cos a bad back can be a right 'pain' :(
Yea i lost almost 2 stone before i was diagnosed 7 months ago....needless to say i have put it back on and more!

I dont see how the diabetes may have contributed to it, as i had the accident at work 2 years ago when i was not diabetic, but i suppose diabetes effects everything! But yea it is really painfull especialy with my physical jobs, always on my feet etc...

Hmmm im wondering if my blood tests come back with a high A1C this could be used as ammo to get a pump??
Hmmm im wondering if my blood tests come back with a high A1C this could be used as ammo to get a pump??

Certainly worth a try! 🙂
Hope you're feeling better soon xx
Sorry to hear about the back - its sounds like your GP is just being cautious in checking for a diabetes association. Its more likely to be your increased weight and possibly you've turned awkwardly and aggravated things.

I don't know if I missed the post - but did you get your teeth sorted?
sorry to hear about all this ...my OH had serious sciatica some years back when we lived in the islolated north coast of scotland ...it wasnt until they carted him off to Inverness and he saw the specialist PAIN nurse that he got the pain releif right which eventually got it sorted ....so ask to see them x good luck x
Sorry to hear about your back etc DG, i certainly wish you luck if you go for a pump hun, you will certainly get some good advice from fellow pumpers who are on here.x
Sorry to hear about your back. Hope it clears up soon. I trapped a nerve a couple of years ago which took a few months to clear up so I know it can be a bit wearing.
I think because of the diabetes we are more aware of other things and will get them checked before they become major problems.

Hubby has saitica (not sure about spelling either) and takes pain killers for it. It comes and goes. He has found the best thing to do is relax as much as possible and not push things too hard when it doesn't hurt. I hope you get some relief soon.
I've had trouble fairly recently with sciatica and quite by chance discovered that the way I was lying in bed was contributing. I had a couple of chest infections and was propped up in bed to alleviate the coughing. When the first one cleared I went back to lying almost flat and my sciatic pain returned. During the 2nd chest infection I was again propped up and it eased! I now have an extra pillow and don't get anywhere near the pain I used to get. Worth a try.
Sorry to hear about the back - its sounds like your GP is just being cautious in checking for a diabetes association. Its more likely to be your increased weight and possibly you've turned awkwardly and aggravated things.

I don't know if I missed the post - but did you get your teeth sorted?

Not yet, i have switched my dentist and have my app booked in october though so i suppose its a start! thanks for askin 🙂
Sorry you're having some BG issues, and I feel for you with the back pain! I've never suffered from sciatica but have had problems with my back all my life. Was only recently referred to a physiotherapist who said I'm double-jointed! He's given me a bunch of exercises which have worked a treat, it's much better now. And yoga always helps. So I think a referral to a physio would be a positive move for you, whether it's been caused by diabetes or not.

Hope things get better for you soon.
Hope things get sorted DG I know Sciatica ain't pretty, but can be sorted so stay positive.

Take care

Thanks everyone 🙂

Wel lucky me just realised i have a blood test and a flu jab all in the same week!
Hope you're feeling a bit better. I've had back pain caused by sciatica and diabetic neuropathy, both felt similar. I found a good exercise for sciatica was to lie on the floor on my front, elbows on the floor and chin in my hands like a child watching tv. Physio gave me the tip and it seemed to help. Certainly seems great that your GP is aware of all possibilities - wish mine had been!
hope your feeling better soon and that all goes well with your blood tests hun
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