Just started Oviva 12 Weeks Shakes


Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Good afternoon all,
I have just started the Oviva type 2 remission program, and am 3 days into the shakes only diet! Has any else just started, looking for any help and or advice on what to expect, how to deal with the lack of food, and socializing?
Hi @Chop81 I can’t help with the diet but there have been some recent threads you might want to read through while waiting for others to reply, eg:

Hi @Chop81 I can’t help with the diet but there have been some recent threads you might want to read through while waiting for others to reply, eg:

Thank you Inka i have just had a read, and posted on that thread.
Hi @Chop81, although I've never done the shake regime, there are quite a few on here who have done it with good effect. The only advice I can offer is to get through one day at a time. It's not as though it's forever though I bet it seems like it at the time!
When I was first diagnosed I went on a six week "fasting" diet, ie only 600 calories a day and the only way I could manage was a day at a time. It became easier as time went by and my cravings for carbs in the form of bread, pasta, taters and rice pretty much disappeared.
I still eat more or less the same food as that initial "diet", just more of it and have increased my fat intake.
The longer you keep at it, the easier it will be. Regarding socialising, I just made sure that everyone knew what I was doing which made it easier to stay on the wagon. Having said that, I don't get out much!
I have my first appointment and start tomorrow. Now it’s practically here I’m getting nervous. The choice was not much and why was it when I tried to tasters were they all unbearably sweet? I’m supposed to be on the diet to help my diabetes not keep me sweetened up with the worst kind of fake sugar there is. Hey Ho. I meant to go shopping today to pick up some glucose tablets and some vanilla and orange extracts to try and make things taste a little better. God knows what I can add to make the yucky vegetable soup taste like vegetables lol still it was better than the chicken I found. I really wish I had stuck with the lactose and gluten free vegan option now as the choices of soups were a lot more and they also had 2 porridges. Oh well too late now to change. Just wondering about the appointment is it a phone call or a zoom call?
I have my first appointment and start tomorrow. Now it’s practically here I’m getting nervous. The choice was not much and why was it when I tried to tasters were they all unbearably sweet? I’m supposed to be on the diet to help my diabetes not keep me sweetened up with the worst kind of fake sugar there is. Hey Ho. I meant to go shopping today to pick up some glucose tablets and some vanilla and orange extracts to try and make things taste a little better. God knows what I can add to make the yucky vegetable soup taste like vegetables lol still it was better than the chicken I found. I really wish I had stuck with the lactose and gluten free vegan option now as the choices of soups were a lot more and they also had 2 porridges. Oh well too late now to change. Just wondering about the appointment is it a phone call or a zoom call?
I know it is a personal choice but I can't see the attraction of drinking a load of chemicals rather than good natural foods. I can't understand why the options always are sweet rather than savoury. I tried Slim fast years ago and hated the milk shakes but the soup were not too bad but very artificial, I added plenty of pepper and sometimes some marmite.
Much rather do my low carb approach based on this link. https://lowcarbfreshwell.com/
Good luck with it.
I meant to go shopping today to pick up some glucose tablets and some vanilla and orange extracts to try and make things taste a little better.
Why would you buy glucose tablets unless you are on insulin or hypo inducing medication and you say they are too sweet, so why add more sweetness, plus adding glucose is going to add to the calories and the carbs, or am I misunderstanding you?
I know it is a personal choice but I can't see the attraction of drinking a load of chemicals rather than good natural foods. I can't understand why the options always are sweet rather than savoury. I tried Slim fast years ago and hated the milk shakes but the soup were not too bad but very artificial, I added plenty of pepper and sometimes some marmite.
Much rather do my low carb approach based on this link. https://lowcarbfreshwell.com/
Good luck with it.
Is the app free, or did you pay for a meal plan? I haven't found any soup shakes. Ideally, I'd like to do a mix of shakes and real food. A shake is useful when I have no breaks at work. Do you still have only 600/800 cal a day?
Is the app free, or did you pay for a meal plan? I haven't found any soup shakes. Ideally, I'd like to do a mix of shakes and real food. A shake is useful when I have no breaks at work. Do you still have only 600/800 cal a day?
You can access it for free and download as PDF but if you want their printed booklets then you have to buy them.
I went with low carb did not take any account of calories.