Just started my Insulin Pump

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I know it's been a while since I last left a thread but I have been majorly busy with work, so I apologise. This morning I got my insulin pump fitted and ready to go however I just would like some advice on where to put it and where I can buy the accessories for it? I wear leggings and tight jeans normally and rarely wear baggy tops so I'm just trying to find somewhere where it isn't too obvious.

Shell x
Just to say, well done and good luck with the pump.......😉
I wear mine on a clip at the front of my bra 😉
Yes you will be able to buy accessories via the manufacturer, check their website..

But you can impervise with many things, baby socks can be handy to sew into clothing to create a pocket, moblie phone/camera cases can be impletment, but do be carefull of magnetic glasps as these could in theory interfer with the pump..

About anything a case can fit into really..

I used to always clip my to my waistband, but since being given a skin for my pump it's spends most of it's time hanging around my neck.. Both open view(unless I got a jumper on) but I've always found that nobody actually takes any notice of it where every I wear it too.. Never in almost 3 years been asked what it was!
Shell just wanted to say good luck with the pump and nice to see you posting x

Excellent news that you've got a pump! Hope it's started well.

Which pump do you have? Mine is the Medtronic Veo and I find it fairly easy to hide. When I first started I felt like it stuck out like a sore thumb, but you soon get used to wearing it.

I tend to wear leggings and skinny jeans too. With jeans, I just put the pump in a pocket without its clip or case - it's quite slim, and to anyone else just looks like a mobile phone in your pocket.

With leggings, skirts and dresses, I tend to put the clip on it and put it in my bra, either between my boobs (!) or at the side under my arm, depending on what I'm wearing.

Best of luck - I'm sure you'll love it!
Awesome, congratulations!!! I wear mine hanging around my neck.
^ where do you put the infusion set, just out of interest? Do you use the really long tubing? Does it just swing around your neck or do you tuck it into your clothes?
How about adapting one of those "headlight" torches?
Oh, hang on - just realised you wouldn't be able to see it easily, yourself.
Nah, scrap that idea :D
Hi Shell,
I dont know if this will help - but Alex uses the 'spibelts' - but then he is a twelve year old boy and perhaps would not be right for you if you like wearing tight clothing. I know you can get pouches to put on your arm - that you can wear on the inside so you cant see the pump. I will go and look for the link.🙂Bev



The above links might help.
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Thank you for all of the advice 🙂 I ended up buying a "Thing-thing" off the animas website for when I wear dresses or long tops. Obviously I have to wait a few days for that and I am going out partying this weekend so am slightly scared because I have no clue what to do with my pump as I will be wearing a tight dress and leggings eek! I think I need to go and see Gok Wan haha!

Shell 🙂
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