Just started Basaglar

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
hello all

ive been t2 diagnosed for 10 years now. am nearly 50 years old. Metformin worked best for control, but caused agoraphobia due to adverse stomach issues.

so i was put on jardiance, sitagliptin and gliclazide.

im ashamed to say i havent taken much care of myself food wise.l, this started when during the pandemic i worked from home and this has become a permanent situation. I miss social interaction and tend to snack.

Anyway, last two HBA1C was 95 and 90. so diabetes team have taken me off jardiance and sitagliptin and reduced gliclazide to 80mg morning and evening. They have introduced abasaglar kwikpen, which i have been taking since saturday at starting dose of 10 units

i made urgent call to diabetes team yesterday as my fasting bloods are between 12 and 16 and after meals can be 22

really not happy and not seen any benefits. im scared to eat anything......anyone else have experience of this?

cheers simon
Hi @simonjd1974 They will have started you on less Abasaglar than they think you’ll need (for safety reasons) This will be gradually increased over the next few weeks, so don’t panic as it’s still very early days.
I've been using Abasaglar since October when my HbA1c was 133 started at 10 quickly got up to 18 but that's as much as I currently need. Last month it was down to 71. Also taking Metformin SR and Glicazide which I think I need to increase but awaiting instructions from the DSN's. Diabetes is a marathon not a sprint!1
Sorry to hear you’ve had a difficult time with your diabetes recently @simonjd1974

Hopefully it won’t be long before your dose has been adjusted to better reflect your needs.
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