Just moved to the UK, how hard is it going to be to get my pump and libre covered by NHS?


New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hello everyone

Just moved to the UK from Soutb Africa and about to go see a GP and hopefully get referred to a diabetic centre.

My question is, how hard is it going to be to get covered for all my current medications?

I am on Fiasp Insulin 6x cartridges per month, use an older medtronic insulin pump and freestyle libre sensors.

I have a recommendation letter from my endocrinologist done just before I arrived. it basically states what pump and cgm I’m on, what treatments, how ive suffered with lows in the past and how the pump and cgm have helped with that, and how the doctor recommended continued use to maintain the best control.

What else to I need to get my pump consumables, insulin and cgm covered by NHS? Im extremely worried that they will deny me and it looks like consumables here for my older pump ate quite expensive! Freaking out a little!!

What else do I need/what can I do? Will this letter alone suffice?
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Hello everyone

Just moved to the UK from Soutb Africa and about to go see a GP and hopefully get referred to a diabetic centre.

My question is, how hard is it going to be to get covered for all my current medications?

I am on Fiasp Insulin 6x cartridges per month, use an older medtronic insulin pump and freestyle libre sensors.

I have a recommendation letter from my endocrinologist done just before I arrived. it basically states what pump and cgm I’m on, what treatments, how ive suffered with lows in the past and how the pump and cgm have helped with that, and how the doctor recommended continued use to maintain the best control.

What else to I need to get my pumo consumables, insulin and cgm covered by NHS? Im extremely worried that they will deny me and it looks like consumables here for my older pump ate quite expensive! Freaking out a little!!

What else do I need/what can I do? Will this letter alone suffice?
I think it may depend on your immigration status as to whether you are entitled to treatment under the NHS.
This link may help you find out what your entitlement is. https://iasservices.org.uk/are-immigrants-entitled-to-nhs/
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