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Maurice Power

New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2

I am Maurice Power and was hit with T2 around 2000. I am managing to hold it but feet a problem. I just read about a new drug that has a 72% success rate with T2. It also helps the waistline and is being looked at further for heart.It has successfully had some 600 odd people
trial it with 72% success . The next thing I read is that it will take the NHS 3 years to agree it.
That does not sound reasonable and if the 72% of the known 2.5 million with diabetes beat it then a great weightis lifted off the NHS and expense. So I decided to have a go at a Petition to Parliament.
I’ve made a petition – will you sign it?
Click this link to sign the petition:
My petition:
It takes the NHS 3 years to get drug 72% effective in curing T2 Diabetes -WHY
The number of people diagnosed with diabetes in the UK has increased by more than 150,000 to 2.8 million in the past year, warns Diabetes UK today.Around nine in ten people with diabetes (2.5 million) have Type 2 diabetes, which is strongly linked to being overweight and is spiralling NHS costs .
Much information online and with NHS. Also Diabetes UK
You may have to enter the link as I am not sure it will work like this. Please pass it on to anyone with diabetes. Even 10% of 2.5 million must surely give a wake up call to Parliament.
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