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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
Hi. Just joined after being diagnosed as pre diabetic HbA1c 43. No doubt after looking around and digesting the info here I’ll have questions.
Hi @Latino and welcome to the forum 🙂

You may have seen this already, but our website has lots of information and resources to help those living at risk of diabetes (prediabetic). One of which is free information booklet called 'Understanding your risk', which you can download as a free PDF or order a print copy for free through our online shop.

The link to this is here:

Just checking in to say please do ask (ask, ask) away with any questions you may have - we'd all say there's no such thing as a silly question, and are very happy to help as best we can 🙂
Hi. Just joined after being diagnosed as pre diabetic HbA1c 43. No doubt after looking around and digesting the info here I’ll have questions.
Welcome to the forum
43 is at the lower end of the prediabetes zone but is a wake up call to make some modest dietary changes to prevent blood glucose going up and crossing the threshold into diabetes, the sooner tackled the better.
However some modest changes should be all that is needed. Cutting out cakes, biscuits unless home made low carb or reserving for the occasional treat and also sugary drinks including fruit juice and reducing portions of the other big carb hitters, potatoes, rice, pasta. bread, pastry and breakfast cereals.
There are still many foods you can still have and meals based on meat, fish, eggs, cheese, dairy, vegetables, salads, and fruit like berries. Other fruits are higher carb but in moderation they can be fine.
Although this low carb approach is aimed at those diagnosed and needing to lose weight the principles are good for any body needing to manage blood glucose so may give you some ideas. https://lowcarbfreshwell.co.uk/
Upping any physical activity you do a bit can also help - but of course we know nowt about you, so have no idea whatever how active you are, or can be - so up to you to tell us more, or not.

Why did you have the blood test?
Welcome to the forum @Latino

We have had many members join over the years, who’ve been told that they are at risk of diabetes, who have been able to successfully steer their glucose levels away from a diabetes diagnosis.

Hopefully exchanging experiences and ideas with others here will help you make some sustainable tweaks to your way of eating that will help your body cope better with the carbohydrates you choose.
Welcome . Ask away there are many here who help. Also there is a smogagasbord of infirmstion in the learning zone
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