Just had my latest hbac1 result

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Robbie bobidy

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
My sugar levels are now at 36. In January when I was diagnosed I had a result of 68 and 61

Just wondering does this mean I'm in remission or do I need another test first?
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My sugar levels are now at 36. In January when I was diagnosed I had a result of lynx 68 and 61

Just wondering dies thus mean I'm in remission or do I need another test first?
Well done on the drop back into normal range, and in such a short space of time too - impressive, and thanks for sharing.

The current definition of remission is an HbA1c below 48 for 3 months without taking any diabetes medication, so you're not there yet but you are on track. Once again, well done and keep doing what you're doing.
Congratulations on a fantastic result and best of luck maintaining it.
Well done on the drop back into normal range, and in such a short space of time too - impressive, and thanks for sharing.

The current definition of remission is an HbA1c below 48 for 3 months without taking any diabetes medication, so you're not there yet but you are on track. Once again, well done and keep doing what you're doing.
I think that’s the key now just need to keep it up
Hi Robbie thanks for sharing that info. I was told my HBAC1 was 46 on January 10th 2024 . My birthday actually so not the best birthday present . Saw the diabetic nurse and she just gave me the usual info mainly about sugars and what and what not to eat. I’ve actually learnt more on this forum that it’s more about carbs than sugars. Anyway what I would like to ask is were you asked to go back for another blood test in May or did you just request one as all I have been told is to see what they are at my annual test next January. I feel that I have done all I can by changing my diet and losing over half a stone . I really don’t want to lose anymore but would love to know if all this hard work is paying off. Waiting till next year seems a long time not knowing.
Would be over the moon if I got your results suppose I’m just putting it off in case mine haven’t changed as can’t do anymore than I am .
Hi Theo

That’s a really naff birthday present defintly ask for your money back,

In all seriousness though I was booked in for a blood test by the diabetic nurse at our first meeting for a blood test every three months. It may be worth going back and asking for one. 46 is in the pre diabetic range I think (not sure) so I don’t know if that makes a difference

Good luck with it alll though let me know how you get on
Hi Robbie, as an example for others, what diet did you follow?
Well done.
Hi Robbie, as an example for others, what diet did you follow?
Well done.
Yeah I'm happy to share.

So their have been several things I have done.
Without actually knowing it at the beginning I adopted a low carb diet.
For dinner most evenings I now have plentybof protein (chicken,fish etc) some veg in a mix so a bells pepper tomatoes onion and some mushrooms and then a small cup full of rice (brown) I use no sauces as these tend to have a lot of sugar instead I season with curry powder, chilli powder mixed herbs paprika etc for pudding I have an orange and apple. That's my staple main meal Monday to Friday I treat myself to a hamburger homemade and brown bun on a Saturday with salad rather than chips. And on a Sunday I will have my roast dinner just like I used to potatoes an all!

Lunch is now in the office salad and chicken if I'm at home it will be soup and two slices of bread. (whole meal)
Breakfast is Greek yogurt blueberries and granola.

I've cut my beer intake down from one a day to one a week most weeks and started aggressively exercising alongside the new diet (cycled 82 miles on Sunday) this has lead to a lost of about 60lbs since January. I try to walk where I can and most days get my 10000 steps in.

I try to look at it now as a lifestyle change rather than a diet I always failed at diets so this is just a new way of eating every 4-6 weeks I Allow my self a "treat" this month it was a McDonald's to be fair I don't know why I used to like it so much the food is bland, there's no real flavour to it. My snacks are generally nuts and carrots or a protein bar.

What worked for me may not work for someone else but if it helps anyone please feel free to take some idea . I won't lie when I started it going to the toilet was an adventure and I turned down several government advances to use the power for a chemical weapon but it calmed down after a coupe of weeks and now its the so called treats that tend to upset things
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Massive congratulations on your brilliant HbA1c reduction @Robbie bobidy - and I think you are spot on with the ‘new way of eating’ thinking. Managing diabetes is a marathon, so it makes no sense to me to do something short term with the intention of going back and eating/drinking exactly what caused the problems in the first place afterwards. Even if you go for the ‘quickstart’ intense intervention, I think you have to transition to a different sustainable way of eating to keep the benefits you gain.

Allow my self a "treat" this month it was a McDonald's to be fair I don't know why I used to like it so much the food is bland, there's no real flavour to it.

Haha! Amazing how that happens. And it does to SO many members. It’s like seeing behind the wizard’s curtain and realising what you’d been convinced was something so desirable actually isn’t anything worth having!

There are treats I still hugely enjoy (hello homemade Bakewell tart), but there’s nothing so disappointing as a rubbish cake (which still gives you BG chaos, just without the enjoyment)

Good luck with your follow-up check @Theo - I think an annual review is quite common with ‘at risk of diabetes’, but you are well within your rights to pop back to the surgery and ask for an additional check so that you can see how the changes you’ve been making are working, and whether you are doing enough.
Hi Robbie thanks for sharing that info. I was told my HBAC1 was 46 on January 10th 2024 . My birthday actually so not the best birthday present . Saw the diabetic nurse and she just gave me the usual info mainly about sugars and what and what not to eat. I’ve actually learnt more on this forum that it’s more about carbs than sugars. Anyway what I would like to ask is were you asked to go back for another blood test in May or did you just request one as all I have been told is to see what they are at my annual test next January. I feel that I have done all I can by changing my diet and losing over half a stone . I really don’t want to lose anymore but would love to know if all this hard work is paying off. Waiting till next year seems a long time not knowing.
Would be over the moon if I got your results suppose I’m just putting it off in case mine haven’t changed as can’t do anymore than I am .
As it is pre-diabetic it will probably be one year before they do another one. At least that is what my surgery do. I did keep asking for one earlier but they would not budge.

Not sure if it depends on the surgery although suspect might be national guidelines of some sort.
Oh wow! What a journey! Thats an amazing achievement - thanks for sharing
No problem, it's been quite a journey.
Don't think it's over yet I'm sure. Their will be some bumps in the road
Yeah I'm happy to share.

So their have been several things I have done.
Without actually knowing it at the beginning I adopted a low carb diet.
For dinner most evenings I now have plentybof protein (chicken,fish etc) some veg in a mix so a bells pepper tomatoes onion and some mushrooms and then a small cup full of rice (brown) I use no sauces as these tend to have a lot of sugar instead I season with curry powder, chilli powder mixed herbs paprika etc for pudding I have an orange and apple. That's my staple main meal Monday to Friday I treat myself to a hamburger homemade and brown bun on a Saturday with salad rather than chips. And on a Sunday I will have my roast dinner just like I used to potatoes an all!

Lunch is now in the office salad and chicken if I'm at home it will be soup and two slices of bread. (whole meal)
Breakfast is Greek yogurt blueberries and granola.

I've cut my beer intake down from one a day to one a week most weeks and started aggressively exercising alongside the new diet (cycled 82 miles on Sunday) this has lead to a lost of about 60lbs since January. I try to walk where I can and most days get my 10000 steps in.

I try to look at it now as a lifestyle change rather than a diet I always failed at diets so this is just a new way of eating every 4-6 weeks I Allow my self a "treat" this month it was a McDonald's to be fair I don't know why I used to like it so much the food is bland, there's no real flavour to it. My snacks are generally nuts and carrots or a protein bar.

What worked for me may not work for someone else but if it helps anyone please feel free to take some idea . I won't lie when I started it going to the toilet was an adventure and I turned down several government advances to use the power for a chemical weapon but it calmed down after a coupe of weeks and now its the so called treats that tend to upset things
Well done Robbie. I am a bit confused with your HbA1c readings as you seem to have succeeded in reducing it so quickly. As you stated, it is more the lifestyle change rather than your diet that contributed to your success. I am wondering if the aggressive exercise is the main reason, as you still seem to consume quite a bit of carbs. May I ask if you sweat a great deal during exercise?
Well done Robbie. I am a bit confused with your HbA1c readings as you seem to have succeeded in reducing it so quickly. As you stated, it is more the lifestyle change rather than your diet that contributed to your success. I am wondering if the aggressive exercise is the main reason, as you still seem to consume quite a bit of carbs. May I ask if you sweat a great deal during exercise?
I am a sweaty exerciser yes, I think all the elements together have had an effect.

I used to eat a lot of rubbish, pastry was my biggest things corniche pasties, slices, sausage rolls white pasta etc then sweets and chocolates on to of that,

I worked out what I used to eat the other day
Here was atypical day

Spicy chicken wrap
Bottle of water

Mid morning break
Chocolate bar

Cornish pasty large
Scotch egg
All day breakfast sandwich
Can of coke

Afternoon. Snack
Chocolate bar maybe some crisps

Before the train journey home
Tikka slice
Bottlenose coke
Maybe also just in the pub for a beer

Varied kwts take a healthier night
Pork chops, gravy mashed potatoe two slices of bread to mop up the gravy
Family size pack of chocolate
Probably a big bottle of pop maybe followed by a beer or spirits

Even loomkng it at how I used to treat my body makes me feel a little sick now.
Well done Robbie. I am a bit confused with your HbA1c readings as you seem to have succeeded in reducing it so quickly. As you stated, it is more the lifestyle change rather than your diet that contributed to your success. I am wondering if the aggressive exercise is the main reason, as you still seem to consume quite a bit of carbs. May I ask if you sweat a great deal during exercise?
I suppose there must be a trade off with the exercise and carbs as well.
I am a sweaty exerciser yes, I think all the elements together have had an effect.

I used to eat a lot of rubbish, pastry was my biggest things corniche pasties, slices, sausage rolls white pasta etc then sweets and chocolates on to of that,

I worked out what I used to eat the other day
Here was atypical day

Spicy chicken wrap
Bottle of water

Mid morning break
Chocolate bar

Cornish pasty large
Scotch egg
All day breakfast sandwich
Can of coke

Afternoon. Snack
Chocolate bar maybe some crisps

Before the train journey home
Tikka slice
Bottlenose coke
Maybe also just in the pub for a beer

Varied kwts take a healthier night
Pork chops, gravy mashed potatoe two slices of bread to mop up the gravy
Family size pack of chocolate
Probably a big bottle of pop maybe followed by a beer or spirits

Even loomkng it at how I used to treat my body makes me feel a little sick now.
Only 68 after that rollercoaster ride !!!
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