Just got a letter for my Diabetic Retinal Screening appointment

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2

Just got a letter for my Diabetic Retinal Screening appointment on the 9th November. I am feelinng very aprehensive on what this news this appointment will bring.

Only diagonsed with Diabetes Typre 2 three weeks ago but not really sure how long I have actually had it and what damage has been done:confused:
Hi Sheilagh

I'm not diabetic, so I don't know how it feels like. You don't have to stress though. It's a very simple procedure. It's like someone is taking a flash photograph very close to your eyes. As you're an adult, they will probably put some eyedrops in your eyes beforehand to dilate (make smaller) your pupils. That's why they suggest you don't drive to your appointment and take some sunglasses with you, as everything will seem bright and/or blurry afterwards.

Although you don't know how long you've been undiagnosed, you might find that there's nothing wrong with your eyes. Fingers crossed.
The screening itself is nothing to worry bout. You'll be called in and given some drops if appropriate. The drops always sting my eyes, but it quickly passes. You will then sit in the waiting area for about 10 minutes to allow the drops to work.

When they take the retinal photographs they do one eye at a time (sorry to state the obvious, but not everyone is sure). You'll be asked to follow a coloured light then they will take the picture.

Depends how friendly the technician is on the day you go, some show you the pictures and some don't. If you are going tot he hospital you'll be sent the results in a weeke or two. My last three have been done at the opticians which is better for me (one bus home instead of two).

Make sure you take sun glasses as it will be bright when you come out. I take a wide brimmed hat too, and don't drive, get a bus, get a cab, get someone else to drive.

It will take time for your eyes to go back to normal, so if you do computer work it might also pay you to get time off in the afternoon if it is done in the morning. I always try to change mine for an afternoon or take the afternoon off.

As this is the first one there will be nothing to comapre it with, but if you get the results back and they are a little confusing your doctor or nurse will be able to explain. There is not normally anything to worry about.
There is also a possibility, depending on equipment that you might not need eye drops, my last screening did not require any, they just took the photos, which I seen weeks later, you could see everything, including the tiny leaks.:(

But even those leaks take alot of punishment over the years, type 1 punishment............

You will be fine.......
its nothing to worry about and is over so fast, try not to worry you will be ok
take care
last time i had mine done they didt even use eye drops at all
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Hi Sheilagh its great you got the letter so quick some still aint had a retinal appointment and may have been diabetic for over a year, the precedure is nothing to worry about and like has been said is over very quick, you may need drops you may not i didnt but they said becuase of my age i didnt need my pupils enlarging, its best to air on the side of caution and take sunglasses and someone with you as your advised n ot to drive for a few hours after..
The thing to remember is that the end result will either be reassurance that you don't have any retinal problems, or, IF any are discovered, they are discovered as early as possible, so that you can take action to prevent them getting worse or have treatment if it's needed.
I actually had my retinal screening this morning, and due to a bit of a cock up by the clinic, sat waiting for nearly 2 hours before seeing the doctor, without the retinal screening being done in the intervening time. When I told the doctor I hadn't had the photos taken yet, she made sure I was seen immediately after seeing her. As the doctor, screener etc knew that I knew what I was looking at, they let me see the photos and get instant reassurance that I was OK. That's not a good system for everyone - if I couldn't interpret retinal photos, then I'd prefer to wait to see doctor or get letter. Like many people, I don't need eye drops, and I wouldn't have driven as I only needed to travel 7 miles today, ideal by bike, with sunglasses needed due to sunshine, not eye drops 🙂
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