Just found out !!!!

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
hav just found out today that i'm type 1 is there any 1 who can tell me how mutch this is going to affect me ? am bit scared cos i haven't got a clue:confused: ??
Hi Damo, dont panic!!

It is going to affect your life, theres no denying it, but its completely managable and once you get your head around it all youll be able to do pretty much everythin you do now!

just take it slow for now and ask lots of questions - no matter how daft you think they are i guarantee you will not be the only one wondering about it!
I agree entirely with viki, it may very well be a bit of a rollercoaster at first and a lot to learn but I think most, if not all, of us on here are testament to the fact that once you get your head around it you can make diabetes fit into your life, not the other way around.
So much of diabetes care is very individual and worked out through trial and error so take things one day at a time and don't let any mistakes along the way get you down. It may be useful to do a little background reading, there are a lot of useful suggestions in the recommended reads section. And absolutely take full advantage of your medical team, consultant, specialist nurses, dieticians etc.
Plus if you ever feel like its going to stop you doing anything, bear in mind we have people on here regularly doing crazy things like flying planes, climbing mountains and running for miles every day! Just goes to show that it doesnt have to stop you doing what you want to do!

Id like to add that i have no inclination to do any of this (because im very lazy!!) but its nice to remember ocassionally that i could if i wanted too :D

I was diagnosed 8 weeks ago, I still work shifts go out and get drunk and exercise, It takes a while to get used to and a lot of effort but it will only affect you as much as you let it. DVLA are a shower of gits though they revoke your entire driving licence and you have to fill in a form accepting a car licence only and it has to be renewed every 3 years! sigh!

it will change things for you, but you do need to get your head round it first. i live a fairly normal life even though im struggling with my bg levels at the min. it does get easier to. i dont let it stop me doing most things i always have done. plus it is good you have found this site as i think it is a great place to talk to others and also to find out things that work for others too. remember diabetes is not an exact science and is mostly trial and error. if you have any questions dont be afraid to ask 😉
I was diagnosed March 2006 (yeah nearly three years), and life has been rather a roller coaster for me, a number of major things happened, those with most impact were my mum having an op for breast cancer, a friend being involved in a very bad accident where two children died, and adopting a little boy who is now very much part of the family. Through all this I have supported my husband who has been in a lot of pain with osteoarthrits and have had very little support myself. These forums have been a godsend, but I am still getting my head round the diabetes thing. take one day at a time and use these forums, things do get better.
You've found a great place to learn form others with diabetes. I've learnt 90% of what I know from other diabetics.
Let us know how your getting on, and would be nice to hear your diagnosis story if you want to share
Damo you will undoubtedly have mixed emotions, anger, worry, fear to name a few. But it really is not like it used to be. These days it is a manageable health problem. If you watch any TV you may have heard of Dominic Littlewood (The One Show, Don't get done get Dom, beat the burglar, strcitly come dancing to name a few). He has type one diabetes is is now about 43 and doing well.

I am type two and have been for 11 years now, at the start my emotions were everywhere and I went into denial. But now I think I cope with it fairly well and remember nothing is out of reach, just have things in moderation
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