Just found out!

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hello everyone! First time posting but thought I’d reach out for advice.

I’ve just found out I’m expecting. Which is fab (about 4 weeks along) I reached out to my specialist who advise that my HBA1C was a bit high so I should wait to conceive. We did stop trying but unfortunately we tried just before we spoke and it happened.

I want the best outcome for myself and the baby. We do not want to be irresponsible but it has happened and we will do everything we can. My HBA1C has come down 0.3% in 5 weeks do very happy about that

I guess I’m here for advice. First time mum and does anyone have any further information about risks and how to avoid or has anyone been in the same situation?

Looking for some help!

Soph xx
Hi Sophie - and congratulations!

Er, where I live (smack in the middle of England) HbA1c hasn't been quoted in %ages for years now - well over 10 years anyway. It's actual numbers ie anything that's repeatedly 48+ = diabetes. Type 1s are sposed to keep their HbA1c at less than 58 generally, even at my age - (70+) - though less than that is healthier. 58 is roughly 7.5%.

So - what assistance/advice did they give you for reducing yours, and what has been working a bit for you so far? Plus - which insulins are you using and do you also take any other drugs for anything else? Hopefully they've immediately prescribed the higher dose folic acid tablets (ie the 10mg a day dose) and you're taking them OK already?
Hello, thank you!

So I’m on 5mg folic acid. That’s what the specialist prescribed when i originally spoke to them.

My HBA1C is 76mmol (which I know is high). I’ve been on an insulin pump since October and I’m seeing the benefit massively.

I guess I’m asking am I being very irresponsible for having a baby with such a high HBA1c x
It’s good you’re on the high dose folic acid @Soph45 That’s very important. You won’t be the first person to become pregnant with a higher HbA1C. Indeed, some people are only diagnosed with diabetes once they’re quite a way along with their pregnancy. The important thing is to keep good control now.
It’s good you’re on the high dose folic acid @Soph45 That’s very important. You won’t be the first person to become pregnant with a higher HbA1C. Indeed, some people are only diagnosed with diabetes once they’re quite a way along with their pregnancy. The important thing is to keep good control now.
Thank you @Inka I just want to make sure I’m doing it all right. I’ve got much better control now, and it’s coming down!! X
@Soph45 Ypu have an advantage in that you have a pump. You’ll find that makes basal changes easier (and your basal will change significantly) and mini-corrections easier too. The pregnancy targets are very strict - lots of little nudges to stay in range.
Welcome to the forum @Soph45

Good to hear that you have been given a pump. As others have said it is important to now keep your levels as much in range as you can. Some thoughts that might help:

With the pump you will be entering your carbs each time you eat.
How accurate is your carb counting?

Are you pre-bolusing for your meals? Timing your bolus injections to enable to insulin to get active by the time the glucose reaches your blood stream can help to reduce the spikes after meals. It is a case of trial and improvement to work out what timing you need for your injections before each meal, and it may differ through the day.

Have you reviewed your basal profiles? I am assuming you have been given access to sensorsand this will highlight any times that need adjustment.

The most recent NICE guidelines list people who are pregnant as those that should be given access to closed loop. Many people find this very helpful in reducing HbA12 and increasing Time In Range, as the basal insulin is adjusted through tout the day automatically every 5 min.

I hope that something there helps
Hi @Soph45

Congratulations. A baby is a great reason to be motivated into better control, and they are so worth it.

We didn't plan our pregnancy, I did have a horrible time all the way through, but she turned 13 yesterday and is just perfect. And I was MDI and before these magical CGM.
It was a total battle for us from day one.

Ask for as much support as you can from your team, and please reach out with an specific questions on here.
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