just done somthing i was scared of doing untill now

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
i was scared of having a snack in betwen meals unless it was something to keep my blood surgers up beqcuase i was acared of messing my blood surgers up. this evening i deccided i wanted some a coplple bickest anyway so after emming and aring for a bit i injected half an unit for them(well hopfully i did because it did seem a liilte a wet) was litle bit nevous because blood sugers were ten on higher difting betwen 9 and 10 acordinf the libre(i've been told not to correct withen 4 hours of having insullin and don't correct under 10 anyway) but its proberlly about time i stop leting this stop me eating when i want to.
Good for you giving it a go. I hope it works out OK.
The only thing I find is that if I eat when my levels are above 7 or 8 I need more insulin than I would normally and generally I try not to eat when my levels are above 8 unless it is something very low carb, like some cheese or a boiled egg.

Please let us know how you get on?
Good for you giving it a go. I hope it works out OK.
The only thing I find is that if I eat when my levels are above 7 or 8 I need more insulin than I would normally and generally I try not to eat when my levels are above 8 unless it is something very low carb, like some cheese or a boiled egg.

Please let us know how you get on?
i've been told two things about corrections not to correct for if its been witten 4 hours of having insullin and not to correct anthing below 10.
i've been told two things about corrections not to correct for if its been witten 4 hours of having insullin and not to correct anthing below 10.
posibby because i'm new to this they only worked out to 11gs i do 1 to 20 in the evening.
It seems to have worked out okay so far.


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Well done! Experimenting is important with diabetes to find out what works for you as we are all different.
well aparenttly they gone a tad above 10 now but not to wory if its gets and stays higher we'll deal with it leter tonight
Well done on experimenting and working out what works for you.

Like others I tend to eat a good four hours before going to bed to avoid issues, but sometimes that mini magnum is making a lot of noise in the f and I just need to check that it is okay in there …….

I thoroughly enjoyed a friends home made apple cake with some yogurt for pudding. No idea what the carbs were and I ate after we got back from a delicious meal out. Levels a bit high now but I can deal with that and it was well worth it. Sometimes we just have to live WITH this Diabetes rather than let it manage us.

It sounds like you are getting mor confident with decisions you make. Well done.
I got a mince pie wrong today looks like a midnight correction is going to be needed. I did wonder if a split dose would be needed but not sure how i would have slpit dosed 1 and half units


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My mince pie experiment revealed that I needed more insulin than the carbs would suggest. The packet said 37g carbs each for the ones I bought and I have a 1:10 ratio so 3.5 or 4 units should have been enough but if I started the experiment with a BG in the 5s I could get away with 5 units. If my starting reading was 6 or 7 it would be 5 units in advance plus a 1.5-2 unit correction later and still spike up to 12/13 even with giving it a decent 30 min prebolus time.

I have one pie left out of the pack of 12 and it is only a month out of date 😱, so only one more chance to get it right. Saving the experiment for a day when my levels are really behaving themselves to give me the best chance of success!
Good luck. With a spike like that I would say you need to prebolus earlier rather than split the dose unless I am misunderstanding when you ate the pie.
My mince pie experiment revealed that I needed more insulin than the carbs would suggest. The packet said 37g carbs each for the ones I bought and I have a 1:10 ratio so 3.5 or 4 units should have been enough but if I started the experiment with a BG in the 5s I could get away with 5 units. If my starting reading was 6 or 7 it would be 5 units in advance plus a 1.5-2 unit correction later and still spike up to 12/13 even with giving it a decent 30 min prebolus time.

I have one pie left out of the pack of 12 and it is only a month out of date 😱, so only one more chance to get it right. Saving the experiment for a day when my levels are really behaving themselves to give me the best chance of success!
Good luck. With a spike like that I would say you need to prebolus earlier rather than split the dose unless I am misunderstanding when you ate the pie.
no waiting longer isn't the awser for me they actuttly were going down quickkly when the after i eat a micne pie its a couple of hours leter the spiked happened. if iower when i eat and waited the time i did wait i would have gone low. i remember watching the line with a pack of dextose tablets in my hand at the ready thinking come on mince pie knick in. the reason i said midnight correction is because it was around 8 or sligllty before i eat. admillty when i calcted it it came to 1.7 so i emmed and ahed weather to 1.5 or 2 i went for 1.5 because in my mind at the time i thought that was the safest bet
Well my novo eacho pen ia telling me i injected for it 3 and half hours go
Well the garghs seems to have forgoten about the top end now.


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Didnt need to correct in the end so hapoy days(it might be backround hellping me out though. Or my own tiny bit of insulin
Didnt need to correct in the end so hapoy days(it might be backround hellping me out though. Or my own tiny bit of insulin
I was told that spikes are okay as long as they come back down again.
no waiting longer isn't the awser for me they actuttly were going down quickkly when the after i eat a micne pie its a couple of hours leter the spiked happened. if iower when i eat and waited the time i did wait i would have gone low. i remember watching the line with a pack of dextose tablets in my hand at the ready thinking come on mince pie knick in. the reason i said midnight correction is because it was around 8 or sligllty before i eat. admillty when i calcted it it came to 1.7 so i emmed and ahed weather to 1.5 or 2 i went for 1.5 because in my mind at the time i thought that was the safest bet
I wouldnt be ablle to wait 30 mintues before eating anything im pretty sure id go low before evening eating if i did that
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