Just did my first glucose meter test.

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi all.

After being diagnosed type 2 late November last year, I have completely changed my diet.
I know with type 2 we don't have to use a meter to test, but I got one anyway & have just plucked up the courage to use it.
I had a tub of low carb alpro yoghurt with blueberries & tested myself about an hour & a half later.
The reading was 6.4mmol/L. When I was diagnosed, it was 9.6.
I wondered what this actually means.
I am going to keep testing myself at around the same time each day to see if this is a trend or not.

Any ideas if this is a good first result?


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It depends on what you number was before you ate but yes that is a good reading
Good that you have got your monitor but establishing a good testing regime will give information on what changes you need to make.
If you are using your monitor to test the effect of food/meals then you need to test just before you eat and after 2 hours, it is also useful to note exactly what you had and approx how many grams carb was in your meal.
If you just want to monitor progress day to day then testing before you get out of bed in the morning will give you a fasting reading.
The result you got is a good level but it was probably not a particularly carby meal you had.
It would be worth testing as suggested for say your dinner where you are likely to be having more carbs.
Hi @Jurasik there's some information here about testing your blood glucose levels, if you want more details.

What's your aim with testing? Is it to see what a particular meal/food does to your BG levels, or just keep an eye on the overall trend of your BG, maybe once a day? From your post, I'm guessing the second. 6.4 is within the range of 4-7 mmol/L that's given on the link above, so looks positive to me compared to your 9.6.
If you're wanting to find out if a meal "spikes" your BG, you'd need to take a reading before the meal, and two hours after, and see how much it's risen.
Thanks for the link, Windy. Thanks to Lily & Leadinglights for responding too. My aim for testing at the moment is to get a feel for how my levels are on a day to day basis. I want to test twice a day, before breakfast & after lunch (approx 2hrs). Hopefully this can gauge with how my food intake affects the level
Only testing twice a day won't really build a picture of what effect your food intake has, that'0s why @Leadinglights has suggested the pre and post meal tests
Thanks for the link, Windy. Thanks to Lily & Leadinglights for responding too. My aim for testing at the moment is to get a feel for how my levels are on a day to day basis. I want to test twice a day, before breakfast & after lunch (approx 2hrs). Hopefully this can gauge with how my food intake affects the level
Just an after lunch will not tell you an awful lot as there will be so many things that could affect your level between breakfast and after lunch not just the food you eat.
If you are going to be serious about testing the effect of various meals then you do need to test before and after the same meal. You do not need to do every meal every day but maybe test what you have for breakfast a few days then lunch for a few days, then dinner for a few days. You will soon establish what you can tolerate and wouldn't need to test that meal again.
I echo what Kaylz and Leadinglights said. Before and 2 hours post meal is the way to understand what the food is doing to your BG, but I appreciate you might not want to test that much every day.
If you're wanting to do two tests a day, could you do a week of before and 2 hours after breakfast, and learn what you can from that, and then the next week do the same just with lunch, and the following week, do dinner instead.
Make a note of what you've had, ie Monday, bacon omelette, fasting 7 mmol/L, 2 hours after 8.1 mmol/L etc. Then you can establish what the omelette does to your BG, and other meals, and build up the picture that way.
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