Just diagnosed with high GAD antibodies

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
Just got blood results back nurse informed me GAD test showed high levels of antibodies.
Hba1c was 101 in November had repeat hba1c January now 55.
Nurse is going to writhe to endocrine specialist to see if he wants to see me but she feels BG under better control they might leave me for now.
Any one else experienced this and what was your treatment?
sounds very similar to me. Diagnosed October 2021 Hba1c 115 and GP diagnosed t2. Long story short....... My results came back anti GAD positive and diagnoses was then changed to t1 and referred to the hospital. Outcome was the consultant didn't know what it was probably LADA type 1.5 but then again could be type 1 or 2 as I have symptoms of both. My Hba1c now 55. Not on any medication just being review by the hospital again end March.

You are not alone I have chatted to a few members on here in the same boat. Its a very mentally challenging and emotional and exhausting experience.

Anything I can help with please let me know.
Your early posts do suggest Type 1 as you had high blood sugar and ketones. Now you’ve had high GAD. My advice is to be pushy when needed. For some reason, adults with Type 1 are often left to drift along and not given very active treatment.

Are you on insulin? What are your blood sugars like?
For some reason, adults with Type 1 are often left to drift along and not given very active treatment.
I would agree with this. When I got diagnosed because my levels weren’t super high and I wasn’t really ill (as in DKA level of ill but still felt pretty rough!) they thought there wasn’t much wrong at first.

But despite that I continued to have all the classic type 1 symptoms that got gradually worse until I was more insistent about it. But it all added up in the end, with the elevated random BG levels and presence of IA2 antibodies as well, turns out it was that.
Your early posts do suggest Type 1 as you had high blood sugar and ketones. Now you’ve had high GAD. My advice is to be pushy when needed. For some reason, adults with Type 1 are often left to drift along and not given very active treatment.

Are you on insulin? What are your blood sugars like?
Hi inka
No I’m not on insulin I’m on metformin 1000mg twice a day. Blood sugars are good under 11mmnols even after eating.
Feel loads better than I did and feel my body has adjusted to mess and diet really well.
Just worried about going on insulin but hopefully won’t need these shots for a while
Thanks for your reply good to know I’m not alone
sounds very similar to me. Diagnosed October 2021 Hba1c 115 and GP diagnosed t2. Long story short....... My results came back anti GAD positive and diagnoses was then changed to t1 and referred to the hospital. Outcome was the consultant didn't know what it was probably LADA type 1.5 but then again could be type 1 or 2 as I have symptoms of both. My Hba1c now 55. Not on any medication just being review by the hospital again end March.

You are not alone I have chatted to a few members on here in the same boat. Its a very mentally challenging and emotional and exhausting experience.

Anything I can help with please let me know.
Hi richard
Thanks for your reply and your support it’s helped a lot.
It’s hard coping sometimes but I will be ok.
Hope you continue to get support at your next appointment and the right treatment for you.
We will be fine take care
Hi inka
No I’m not on insulin I’m on metformin 1000mg twice a day. Blood sugars are good under 11mmnols even after eating.
Feel loads better than I did and feel my body has adjusted to mess and diet really well.
Just worried about going on insulin but hopefully won’t need these shots for a while
Thanks for your reply good to know I’m not alone

Don’t worry about insulin. It’s simply replacing what you’re body can’t make, and will give you a lot more flexibility. The injections themselves are fine. The needles are very thin and very short, not like needles you might see in your GP surgery 🙂
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