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Just Diagnosed with Diabetes 2


New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2

Well this week I found out I was Diabetes 2, I was kinda expecting it as I have prancreatitis. After years of battling the prancreatitis and finding the diet that supports my illness, not alot of help out there, I need to put on weight not loose it..

I have a real issue now as all my go to bulk out foods for calories (at one point I was to eat 3,000 calories a day, yup you read that right and it is not a typo), I was making slow but positive progress.

I had a bad start to the year, with a serious Absess in my lower jaw, and between that and the pain meds I was on I could not eat. I truly believe this has been what kick started the Diabetes 2.

Here is to my big problem, most if not every article I have read is all about loosing weight, I have no weight to loose at all, I dropped a stone in January... I really am now in a bit of a pickle as to where to go now...

@Merrysleeves welcome to the forum. How awful to have been struggling with pancreatitis and now be hit by another condition. There are a number of people on the forum who describe themselves as 3c. For various reasons their diabetes is caused by pancreas problems. You may be tetering on that but I am sure their knowledge will be helpful. Are you prepared to say how you were diagnosed? The usual test is an hba1c which looks at blood cells over a three month period. I would not want to make suggestions about diet given your medical complications. I was a fatty when diagnosed 6 months ago and still am though 2 stone lighter. I would like to lose another stone and a half. I remember someone who joined a month after me was if anything underweight. I think she keeps up her weight by building muscle and making sure she has fat. I eat full fat yoghurt for breakfast. Fish and meat is carb light but protein rich, but I say again I do not know the possible complications for your diet of pancreatic problems, are you under hospital care.? Hopefully they can give good dietary advice.
Diabetes UK has an advice line. I used it before joining the forum.
I hope you find appropriate support as stress will only add to your woes.
I started eating low carb as set out in freshwell and caldesi websites but you will need to make sure you have sufficient nutrition.
I hope the many very helpful forum members who have pancreas problems will give you more solid advice but everyone here will wish you well.
Hello @Merrysleeves. Welcome to the forum.

Given your longstanding pancreatitis and now diabetes, you really should have been diagnosed as T3c - diabetes from damage to your pancreas.

This isn't just semantics: getting the right diagnosis can be a big step towards getting the right treatment path, plus getting from the outset a fundamental awareness by any and all Health Care Practicioners (HCPs) that probably your first concern is keeping another ailment in check, before managing your diabetes.

You might benefit here by changing your Account details from T2 to T3c; also changing the title of your post to "Just diagnosed T2, but is it T3c?" which should catch the attention of other T3cs here on the forum?

When you were given the diagnosis were you told what your HbA1c was (a number in excess of 47 mmol/L)?This gives you a good idea of how far into the diabetic zone you are and thus where you are starting from for your D management.

Meanwhile don't panic, undoubtedly this is not a desirable situation, but hopefully we can point you in the right direction. Diabetes is a slow moving foe and many people can adjust their diet accordingly. With diabetes the cluster is generally about reducing carbohydrates, not just sugars. All carbohydrates metabolise into glucose which gets into your blood. A low carb diet, NOT no carb diet, should help.
Hi @Merrysleeves and welcome to the forum.

Sorry to hear about your other health problems and now to be hit with a diabetic diagnosis must hard to take.

Being diabetic is not all about losing weight, it is also about having a healthy diet and getting the right amount of exercise.

If you know your HBA1C and are happy to tell us what it was, that would be helpful as your HBA1C is your starting point and will give other members an idea on how to help. Also are you on any medication for diabetes ?

Alan 😉
Hi @Merrysleeves and welcome to the forum.

My prancreatitis a few years back was the underlying problem for my rapid weight loss - actually lost almost half my body weight during the year which caused other issues. Once that was sorted my weight did start to come back.

Had pseudocycts on my pancy which meant major surgery a couple of years ago and that then led me to be diagnosed with D a year ago. They were on the ball in Ipswich hospital and did full blood tests and CT scan to make sure everything was still ok after my op. They diagnosed type 3c and there started my education & convincing my family type 3c was a thing 🙂 When I first joined the forum I set myself up as type 1 because I didn't know any better - they educated me here 🙂

I have been on Creon since my pancreatitis which has helped me to keep my weight on. The insulin also helped with that!

Now it's a case of balancing the carbs, fat content, creon intake and insulin intake. Thankfully my pancy is asleep most of the time and I do pretty good with the balancing.
No Creon or anything for me, wondering if I'm a misdiagnosis tbh.
I think it depends which parts of your pancreas are damaged as to whether you need Creon or not and similarly with insulin. Type 3c covers a whole range of treatment options/requirements, so not needing Creon doesn't mean you aren't Type 3c, just like there are some Type 3cs who don't need insulin..... yet!
@Merrysleeves Hi and welcome from me too. I agree with others above that you are almost certainly Type 3c and should push for more support than your GP practice can offer.... ie referral to a specialist diabetes clinic. If your HbA1c is very high then you almost certainly need insulin. This would also allow you to eat the foods that you need to put on some weight. It may also be that you need Creon to put on weight as damage to your pancreas can mean that you aren't able to produce the digestive enzymes to allow your body to access the nutrients from the food you eat. Creon is a digestive enzyme supplement. Usually if you need Creon I believe you will have bowel issues too. Not sure if that is something you are also suffering.
Tooth infections or abscesses as well as other infections thrive when Blood Glucose (BG) levels are high, so they are something that people with unmanaged diabetes are more prone to.

Have you been given any medication for your diabetes?

If you can let us know your HbA1c blood test result (the blood test used to diagnose and monitor your diabetes management), it will give us a better idea of how best to advise you.