Just checking my numbers.

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes
So this morning my BG was 4.9 , first time in the ‘ 4 ‘ zone , I’ve been for a walk and just checked BG before evening meal , it’s now 6 , I’m not concerned just interested what makes the number go up, thanks
There are something like 42 factors which affect BG levels. Exercise can raise them initially and then lower them later, or it can lower them at the time. It depends on the exercise and the individual. Usually if it puts your body under stress it will raise them, so getting hot and sweaty and muscle burn will raise them whereas a steady walk for 40+mins will usually drop them.

Did you test before you set out for your walk or was your only other test today the 4.9 (congratulations on that by the way...YAY! a diabetes milestone victory!) If you didn't test before you headed out for your walk, then your levels may have gone up due to breakfast or lunch or maybe stress at work or in traffic or a neighbour dispute or watching a thrilling film can send my levels into orbit.... I hit 17mmols watching Top Gun a few months back and had to inject insulin during the film to bring my levels back down. BG really is very variable throughout the day and night and it takes time and lots of testing to understand how and what your body responds to.
There are something like 42 factors which affect BG levels. Exercise can raise them initially and then lower them later, or it can lower them at the time. It depends on the exercise and the individual. Usually if it puts your body under stress it will raise them, so getting hot and sweaty and muscle burn will raise them whereas a steady walk for 40+mins will usually drop them.

Did you test before you set out for your walk or was your only other test today the 4.9 (congratulations on that by the way...YAY! a diabetes milestone victory!) If you didn't test before you headed out for your walk, then your levels may have gone up due to breakfast or lunch or maybe stress at work or in traffic or a neighbour dispute or watching a thrilling film can send my levels into orbit.... I hit 17mmols watching Top Gun a few months back and had to inject insulin during the film to bring my levels back down. BG really is very variable throughout the day and night and it takes time and lots of testing to understand how and what your body responds to.
just double checked, actually my 1st rising reading was 6.5 , I then went to the gym , it was after the gym it was 4.9, then 6 after walk, I’ll be interested to see my bedtime reading, all a big learning curve for me, thanks for providing so much information.
When trying to interpret readings you need to remember that what you get is an estimate of your blood glucose and it is subject to quite a lot of error. Your meter is a brilliant bit of kit but it does have its limitations.

My rule of thumb is to round the number shown on the meter to the nearest whole number. You are then looking for a difference of at least 3 for it to be worth thinking about. So your 6.5 becomes a 6 and your 4.9 becomes a 5. These are only 1 unit difference and you are not going to be able to assign a reason for the difference, it could easily happen by random chance.

Just because your meter shows a reading to one decimal place it does not mean that the reading you get is reproducible to that level. It isn't!

Usual caveat.. comment aimed at T2's - T1 is a whole different ball game. The statistical error is still there but T1s get expert at coping with it.
If you are anything like me, your waking reading tomorrow may be lower than usual if this is the first time you have been to the gym and walked ie 2 lots of exercise in the day. I find exercise really lowers my BG levels overnight.... but we are all different. You are doing all the right things so you should make good progress and that first 4 is a sign of good things to come.
If you are anything like me, your waking reading tomorrow may be lower than usual if this is the first time you have been to the gym and walked ie 2 lots of exercise in the day. I find exercise really lowers my BG levels overnight.... but we are all different. You are doing all the right things so you should make good progress and that first 4 is a sign of good things to come.
I’m really hoping so, I’m working at everything to revert Pre-D ,
My BG usually goes up during exercise. As a keen (albeit old!) runner I have to keep a close eye on my levels when out. Depending upon how far I go my levels either drop slowly post exercise or plummet. Very rarely during though. (jelly babies always at the ready!)
If I run 10k or more I know that my levels will drop dramatically during the following night so I need to have carbs ready and waiting for the 3am wake up call!
Having said all that I find that my exercise regimen contributes greatly to my overall control and general well-being.
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