Just a question...

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
hi, i'm a type 1 newbe that has managed to keep my sugar levels under control reletively quickly. my question is...how can i play sport without running out of energy? i can manage about 30mins before feeling faint. any suggestions? 🙂
Hi ropepare, welcome to the forum 🙂 Exercise can make you much more sensitive to your insulin so it's important to test your blood regularly to find out how the exercise is affecting you. I was a marathon runner before diagnosis, so I was anxious to see if I could continue with my running safely once I was injecting. To start with I tested before the exercise, then every 30 minutes so I could build up a picture of how I was being affected. It will be very different for different people, so it's important that you learn how things go for you personally. I can run 5 miles without needing extra sugar, but I do need to eat/inject around 1.5-2 hours prior to exercise so that I have sufficient insulin circulating and food digesting to keep my levels good.

I would highly recommend getting a copy of the Diabetic Athlete's Handbook which will explain the effects different sports can have and how best to prepare for them. Also, the website http://www.runsweet.com/ has lots of useful information for the diabetic athlete.

What insulin are you on? What are your levels like when you are feeling dizzy?
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