Just a little rant... why don't they ever listen?


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2

Received a call from my surgery (which was strange) am due my blood test in Nov (which I knew). Here is where it all goes a little odd. The practice isn't too sure what to do with me. My Hba1c numbers are good and now they have decided due to the lost and found blood test which kicked off this diagnosis, a new GP believes I might never have been Diabetic in the first place... the surgery would like to know my thoughts...Believe my first thoughts are far too rude to put down 🙄x1bn.
I have suspected this all along and was quite surprised that they diagnosed you from what I believe was a private test and there should be 2 tests to confirm diagnosis if there is any doubt, which the lost and then eventually miraculously found result would certainly cast doubt. Not that I mean to take anything away from your efforts and hard work to manage your levels but I suspect it may have been in vain.
I have suspected this all along and was quite surprised that they diagnosed you from what I believe was a private test and there should be 2 tests to confirm diagnosis if there is any doubt, which the lost and then eventually miraculously found result would certainly cast doubt. Not that I mean to take anything away from your efforts and hard work to manage your levels but I suspect it may have been in vain.
Thank you. Unbelievable, and they leave it all to me to sort it out. Tbh, I think I will continue with the annual hca1c and other stuff, because it has been far too long down the road to make any sensible
decision re diagnosis, plus they kept me on metformin x 4 for nearly four years... onlya fresh pair of eyes was bemused and reduced it last year to 3...I am afraid they are stuck with me.
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Thank you. Unbelievable, and they leave it all to me to sort it out. Tbh, I think I will continue with the annual hca1c and other stuff, because it has been far too long down the road to make any sensible
decision re diagnosis, plus they kept me on metformin x 4 for nearly four years... onlya fresh pair of eyes was bemused and reduced it last year to 3...I am afraid they are stuck with me.
Hi @Sharron1 It must have been quite a shock that your HCPS haven't picked it up earlier given your HbA1c results for several years. Hopefully you can stop your Metformin soon.
Hiya, i feel the frustration. My GP keep calling me asking me if i want to come get tested for T1 as my results are abnormal.... Ive been T1 for 15 years!! Its on all my medical documents and system so i have no idea why they are surprised when i tell them that i am infact a diabetic. They have started doing it with my ceoliac disease and asking why i have no/minimal gluten traces in my bloods. Its a nightmare. Might just get it tattooed at this point!
@Sharron1 is it the July 2018 which is suspect? Was it your first ever test? I was tested in 2014 _ 40 not told but assumed was tested annually. I wasn't. I asked to be tested in June when I realised I hadn't been tested and had symptoms tingly toes and extra pee. All completely new to me. Still hugely shocked when told reading 69. Told wouldn't do anything till second test four weeks later which was 64. From giving blood for first test I changed my diet. Last test at start of September was 58. I don't know when my next test is but I am on medication since mid August. I was told by my surgery they didn't diagnose diabetes without a second test although as far as I was concerned I believed the first reading.
I'm impressed that you were being tested every 6 months despite your excellent readings. Did you have a confirmatory test after your first reading?
I'm still coming to terms with not being tested since 2014 and never having had a medical or for more than 15 years a discussion about my high blood pressure. It was obvious I needed to lose weight and move. Despite the shock diabetes has given me the necessary push.
I hope you get an appropriate explanation and health advice.
@Sharron1 is it the July 2018 which is suspect? Was it your first ever test? I was tested in 2014 _ 40 not told but assumed was tested annually. I wasn't. I asked to be tested in June when I realised I hadn't been tested and had symptoms tingly toes and extra pee. All completely new to me. Still hugely shocked when told reading 69. Told wouldn't do anything till second test four weeks later which was 64. From giving blood for first test I changed my diet. Last test at start of September was 58. I don't know when my next test is but I am on medication since mid August. I was told by my surgery they didn't diagnose diabetes without a second test although as far as I was concerned I believed the first reading.
I'm impressed that you were being tested every 6 months despite your excellent readings. Did you have a confirmatory test after your first reading?
I'm still coming to terms with not being tested since 2014 and never having had a medical or for more than 15 years a discussion about my high blood pressure. It was obvious I needed to lose weight and move. Despite the shock diabetes has given me the necessary push.
I hope you get an appropriate explanation and health advice.
It's all a bit of a mess for me Both my parents were late onset T2, so I decided to have a fasting test at local chemist in 2018, it was 5.7 The chemist said best- get a blood test Went to GP, I had no symptoms, just curious, GP told me I couldn't have a blood test if no symptoms. At the same time I also had an unrelated knee problem that she wasn't interested in , I asked to go private and she recommended a clinic To cut a long story short, they lost my hba1c result and then found it with the rogue result. At the time no reason to think anything amiss. Some of the HCP s were a little bemused at my diagnosis and one did say, there could be a sample error. So I just carried on. Sorted out my knee meniscus tear. Never go near that GP again...

Now, as I said, they are stuck with me. As I will never know.
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This must have extremely frustrating for you @Sharron1 and it was certainly a bit of a mess.Their whole attitude towards you was indeed odd and shocking...did your GP practice really not know what to do with you?...I'm stunned by this.
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Hi @Sharron1 It must have been quite a shock that your HCPS haven't picked it up earlier given your HbA1c results for several years. Hopefully you can stop your Metformin soon.
The battle re Metformin has been an on-going affair. Sigh.
This must have extremely frustrating for you @Sharron1 and it was certainly a bit of a mess.Their whole attitude towards you was indeed odd and shocking...did your GP practice really not know what to do with you?...I'm stunned by this.
I expect they thought I was in denial. Arrogant b******s.
Just stop the Metformin and tell them that's what your doing.
They can't make you take a medicine. With hba1cs like that it's probably not doing anything.
Just stop the Metformin and tell them that's what your doing.
They can't make you take a medicine. With hba1cs like that it's probably not doing anything.