Junk food

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Is it me or does anyone with type 1 eat junk food like Chinese and Indian and chocolate, then feel guilty and worry that it's doing their body damage? My blood level goes high but I keep checking it and take extra insulin to bring it down. It might go to 13 - 14 but it's not that level for long - I take extra insulin to bring it down. That's okay right? My control is reasonably ok - my hba1c was 6 a few months ago.
There is nothing wrong with eating chocolate or anything else for that matter.
All you need to do is make sure you count the carbs for what ever you are eating and cover with the correct amount of insulin.
Moderation is the key word to be used though :D
Hi there!

I have just been out to have a lovely indian meal at a restaurant! I do not class this food as junk food, but just different food. As long as you realise the carb content of anything you are eating, it's fine!!! I know it is perhaps a little troublesome than when you have potatoes, meat, and veg to calculate, but it's great to feel normal, eating whatever you fancy. We at home eat many different combinations of food, indian, chinese, mexican, italian. Sometimes I feel perhaps I should stick to the norm, but there are diabetics all over the world who must manage with their life styles and eating cultures. They obviously do not stick to our food, but need to know cho values of their foods! Keep tucking in, but know your cho values!!!!
Thanks for the replys - I bought Using Insulin by John Walsh which says how to count carbs etc. I calculated that 1 unit of insulin will cover 17g carbs for me I think. Say for example I'm eating a meal of meat veg and potatoes. Do I need to weigh the meal on a scales? I know it's straight forward when it's on the pack but sometimes it's not on the pack.

Don't worry ur not the only 1 who feels like that. I went on a DAFNE course and i found it really helpful, u get a book that helps u work out how much insulin u need if u have a take away. 🙂
we all need a treat sometimes and we all need to feel normal. Going for an Indian or a Chinese is not so bad because you are aware of what you're doing and allow for it.

My big problem areas are Christmas, birthday and Easter.I now say to people don't buy me sweets, make a donation to charity for the ammount you would have spent on sweets.

There are plenty of fun things we can eat without going OTT, and there are some good cookery books available from Diabetes UK.
Thanks for the replys - I bought Using Insulin by John Walsh which says how to count carbs etc. I calculated that 1 unit of insulin will cover 17g carbs for me I think. Say for example I'm eating a meal of meat veg and potatoes. Do I need to weigh the meal on a scales? I know it's straight forward when it's on the pack but sometimes it's not on the pack.
You do not need to worry about meat - only foods that contain carbohydrates.

Regards Dodger
Thanks for the replys - I bought Using Insulin by John Walsh which says how to count carbs etc. I calculated that 1 unit of insulin will cover 17g carbs for me I think. Say for example I'm eating a meal of meat veg and potatoes. Do I need to weigh the meal on a scales? I know it's straight forward when it's on the pack but sometimes it's not on the pack.

I usually weigh my food when I'm at home to make sure I know I'm right with the amount of carbs, I'm usually pretty accurate with what I estimate. I do know people who take their scales with them when they eat out, I don't go that far but I think with practice it becomes quite easy to estimate the carb content of a meal, I sometimes catch myself counting other peoples' plates!

We were giving a useful guide on the DAFNE course (would definately recommend DAFNE if you're carb counting) with the carb count in most foods but you can get some really good ones in the shops too.
We were giving a useful guide on the DAFNE course (would definately recommend DAFNE if you're carb counting) with the carb count in most foods but you can get some really good ones in the shops too.

The ones in the shops are useful, but I think you have to go on the DAFNE course to be able to use them correctly. Some foods that contain carbs are not counted by DAFNE because they take so long to affect your blood sugar, and covering them with quick acting insulin can induce hypos. Things like beans (without sauce) do contain significant amounts of carbs but aren't counted when dose adjusting. Same with vegetables.
I don't feel guilty really when I eat those things from a diabetes point of view only at the moment as I'm trying to lose a bit of weight.
I just count carbs and bolus appropriate amount, then correct later if needed.
I eat chocolate pretty much every day and loads over christmas. I have to eat sweet things otherwise I feel deprived and end up binging.
you shouldn't feel guilty because you are allowed to eat anything you want to.
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