July HbA1c

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Pine Marten

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I've just had a phone call with the surgery giving my latest results: kidneys all fine; cholesterol up slightly from 4 to 4.2; etc etc... glucose reading 46 :(

Yes, I know it's not huge in the great scheme of things but I am annoyed at myself. I do still control my diet pretty well but I've not done any exercise, partly because my dodgy knees finally 'went' in January, so I was referred to a consultant and I've been added to the list for a knee replacement op.

I suppose I'd better get on with getting it down again (see signature below!) or I might be faced with the dreaded word *medication*
PS forgot to say that they mentioned I could do a Diabetes Self-Management Programme available at a local hospital and other places or online. Anyone done these? I did notice from the FAQs that refreshments were served during the sessions of "tea, coffee and biscuits"... o_O
As you say @Pine Marten, it's not a huge increase and just might mean a few tweaks, but I can understand your frustration, especially looking at the stats in your signature. Well done you for keeping it so low for so long, I think you owe yourself a blip! Love the tea, coffee and biscuits at the Diabetes programme! You couldn't make it up 🙄
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