JugGluco instructions

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi all

Over the weekend I downloaded and installed JugGluco on my phone. The alarms are working fine (I was woken twice in the night by what sounded like a cat having it's claws removed by pliers) but I can't seem to see any of the useful info (like time in target,) info I used to get from Librelink and it doesn't seem to be sending info to Librelink either. I may have set it up wrong. Can anyone tell me where I can find instructions (in clear English) for setting it up and understanding the info provided?
but I can't seem to see any of the useful info (like time in target,)
It has four menus. Imagine the screen's divided into four, and you get the first menu (which you've presumably used for the basic configuration) by touching in the leftmost quarter. In the menu for the second quarter the last item's statistics, and that's where you can see time in range and things, and also daily patterns.
it doesn't seem to be sending info to Librelink either
I haven't tried that (I just continue scanning (just much less often) with LibreLink and let that do the uploading).
Also, under settings you can replace 'screaming cats' with anything you like; I have chosen the LL alarm sound files - nostalgic😉, but you may have something you prefer. Maybe a purring cat? Thunder if you go high?......

Seriously, the app is a bit geekish, but does a great job. Documentation is what you'd expect from a geek developer. When I was working (in IT) documentation wasn't something you left until the end of the project, it was something that later you realised that you had meant to do it at the end of the project:(.

The help files on each menu are pretty useful.
It has four menus. Imagine the screen's divided into four, and you get the first menu (which you've presumably used for the basic configuration) by touching in the leftmost quarter. In the menu for the second quarter the last item's statistics, and that's where you can see time in range and things, and also daily patterns.
Thank you for that, it's clarified something I couldn't understand. I was seeing the 4 quarters as 4 squares within a rectangle (2 on top and 2 below) rather than 4 segments across a rectangle (if that makes sense).

Thanks both. After some fiddling I think I am getting to grips with the interface. Was so used to LibreLink, which to be honest, was very simple.

BTW rumour (on FB group) has it that Abbott have released an update today, though I cannot see it in Playstore.
Thanks both. After some fiddling I think I am getting to grips with the interface. Was so used to LibreLink, which to be honest, was very simple.
Yes, there's obvious benefits to uniformity. I presume the argument is that using the whole screen for the graph is better than having a conventional menubar, but I think it's just silly: Juggluco should just use the same interface style as just about all other apps.
BTW rumour (on FB group) has it that Abbott have released an update today, though I cannot see it in Playstore.
I don't see it either. I think updates are quite often staggered (so different people see them at different times) so perhaps it's just that.
Thank you for that, it's clarified something I couldn't understand. I was seeing the 4 quarters as 4 squares within a rectangle (2 on top and 2 below) rather than 4 segments across a rectangle (if that makes sense).
Yes, the screen's split into strips from left to right. (My description wasn't as clear as it might have been.)

And the interface has improved a bit: the TIR statistics used to appear just printed over the graph (which was awkward to see) and now it's a proper new screen (so much easier) and there's a daily patterns type display (which I don't remember being there before).
Thank you for that, it's clarified something I couldn't understand. I was seeing the 4 quarters as 4 squares within a rectangle (2 on top and 2 below) rather than 4 segments across a rectangle (if that makes sense).

Thanks both. After some fiddling I think I am getting to grips with the interface. Was so used to LibreLink, which to be honest, was very simple.

BTW rumour (on FB group) has it that Abbott have released an update today, though I cannot see it in Playstore.
If you do switch to Juggluco feeding LibreView, I'd be interested in what it actually sends. Is it just the 15 min smoothed number, or other data such as insulin etc?

Don't feel under pressure!:rofl:
If you do switch to Juggluco feeding LibreView, I'd be interested in what it actually sends. Is it just the 15 min smoothed number, or other data such as insulin etc?

Don't feel under pressure!:rofl:
My libreview just asked me if i was over 18, so either there has been an update or its being creepy. Dunno what else has changed as just wearing a dexcom riht now
Yes, there's obvious benefits to uniformity. I presume the argument is that using the whole screen for the graph is better than having a conventional menubar, but I think it's just silly: Juggluco should just use the same interface style as just about all other apps.

I don't see it either. I think updates are quite often staggered (so different people see them at different times) so perhaps it's just that.
Especially for Android, it's very common for developers to release an update to 10-15% of users first and see if they get any complaints about it not working in the real world before they roll out to everyone.
Not showing up in android playstore on android 13 - maybe it's not for android 13?
edit: the dev's account is gone from google play store, dunno why.

http://jkaltes.byethost16.com/Juggluco/mmol.html makes interesting reading generally about libre2

edit2: there are android 13 problems
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This is the second time to my knowledge that the app has dropped off Play Store. From my very limited knowledge my understanding is that Google AI checks new uploads from the developer for anything from poor to dangerous code, and removes it from view. The developer has to fix whatever the issue is and resubmit.

As it's a new version, probably, the first you'll know is when you are prompted to update it.

Take all the above with a 'pinch of salt' as I'm just piecing together snips of info from Jaap and my own searches from Google. Potentially (probably?) a load of nonsense.

Edit: It seems as though the big boys at Abbott have suggested in a legal missive from their lawyers, to Google that there is a copyright infringement. I can't see Jaap being in a position to defend that allegation. Heaven knows where we go from here.
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Not showing up in android playstore on android 13 - maybe it's not for android 13?
edit: the dev's account is gone from google play store, dunno why.

http://jkaltes.byethost16.com/Juggluco/mmol.html makes interesting reading generally about libre2

edit2: there are android 13 problems
I guess if the Android 13 problems are fixed (if they're more general Bluetooth LE things rather than Juggluco-specific) but Juggluco doesn't return to the play store then you're stuck with side loading. And if you're side loading anyway it's worth considering xDrip+ and OOP2, which provides a few extra features (more alarms and (I think) calibration).
Does anyone know if Juggluco gives the insulin on board figure? I'm amazed that libre's rtCGM doesn't do this. The reader gives this info.
Does anyone know if Juggluco gives the insulin on board figure? I'm amazed that libre's rtCGM doesn't do this. The reader gives this info.
I don't believe so. I suspect the reader does because it's a natural thing to add to a bolus calculator. Not so much for something that's just showing BG values.
I guess that makes sense. I thought tho that as you can record insulin taken, it might calculate iob. I absolutely rely on the iob on the reader. Similar logic with Juggluco I suppose. But thanks.
You can feed XDrip+ with the data from JugGluco (which is what I do) and can then see IoB and CoB and a prediction line (which is basic but useful)
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