Judge rules that doctors can withhold treatment in 'desperately sad' case

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
A judge has allowed doctors to stop trying to treat a seriously ill hospital patient who has a needle phobia and physically resists help from medics, in what she called a ?desperately sad? case.

Mrs Justice Pauffley said that the 42-year-old man should not be sedated or held down to as that would only cause him more distress, and could even be more dangerous as he recently suffered a heart attack.
Experts and lawyers and even the man?s own mother ? who wrote a ?profoundly moving? letter to the court ? agreed that it was better just to let nurses provide basic care and to try to relieve his suffering.
As a result the patient ? who has learning difficulties, a genetic disorder and diabetes brought on by his obesity ? will likely die within weeks or months. He could have lived for another two years had he accepted treatment, it was said.

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