Joslin Diabetes Center Convenes Leaders in Diabetes

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
The diabetes epidemic demands a powerful response from leaders in the diabetes community, nationally and globally. To this end, for the first time in its 114 year history, Joslin Diabetes Center, an affiliate of Harvard Medical School will convene all stakeholders for a groundbreaking, immersive activity over 3 days in September called Diabetes Innovation 2012 (September 23-25, 2012 at the Hyatt Crystal City in Arlington, VA).

Diabetes Innovation 2012 will act as a powerful catalyst for ideas, partnerships and collaborations. It will provoke thought, innovation and action that address the cost, productivity and quality-of-life impact of diabetes on our society by bringing together all stakeholders: payers, purchasers, providers, industry, government, research, patients, consumers, technologists, developers, and funders.

"Simply put, we MUST forge new approaches and dramatically increase our sense of urgency to address diabetes head-on
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