Joined gym, been exercising but gaining weight & bg going up I am puzzled …

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
As per title, exercise is swimming and yoga so not high impact, I’ve also reviewed my diet I’m eating less food overall and definitely less carbs so why is this happening? I’m so confused.

Didn’t exercise yesterday, lost 1lb from yesterday and bg slightly down.

I don’t want to stop the exercise as of course it’s good for me in several ways.

Any ideas?
Have you tried measuring the inches (or cm)?
Exercise can tone rather than lose weight so, although the scales don't show any loss, your waist band may get looser.

It can also cause BG to increase during and immediately after but should reduced it longer term.
For example, last night I spent a few hours at the climbing gym where my feet weren't the only things that went up - my BG did too. However, this morning's reading was lower than usual. I often find my Dawn Phenomenon/Foot on the Floor is far less pronounced the day after exercise,

I find different types of exercise have different impact on my BG. Anything that causes stress, such pushing myself too hard or getting afraid of falling from the climbing wall, will cause my BG to rise. As will stop-start such as HIIT. However, long sustained exercise, such as a Spin class, will see my BG falling.
This has changed over time as I got fitter - I can spin for longer and harder than I used to without affecting my BG.
Didn’t know it could inc bg in the short term I’ll be aware of that going forward thank you as I’ve been going early afternoon and testing bg when I get home which is under an hour later. I was so confused!

I have a slight disability so can’t do high impact stuff.
Any exercise you do is unlikely to have any impact on your weight. Only your diet can do that. What exercise will do is make you feel stronger in your body and mind which will help you stick to any food goals you have set.

Exercise can do strange things to BG levels, none of which I profess to understand therefore I never test straight after I’ve been swimming or even just walking for any length of time because the results mess with my head :D

Keep going with the swimming, that’s a fantastic exercise to do.
Exercise helps weight loss as it’s burning calories plus building muscle which means you burn more calories/have a more efficient metabolism. But yea you can’t outrun a bad diet I know.

I love swimming so happy to keep that up. Hoping to keep up the yoga and as I get fitter hopefully add in some other stuff too.

I do know I need to address the diet also, found I was having something I THOUGHT was low sugar but isn’t (no added sugar jellies) so not having them any more! See what effect that has
Exercise and it's impact on blood sugars is certainly difficult to fathom. I have been very active for twenty years and for the summer months I would row a 10k or do sprints in the park every five days. I consistently weight train at least three times a week. Where that is concerned I follow a split of what is known as pull/push/lower body. The split that has the biggest impact on my bg is a push. I can lift heavy weight in the legs and have little reaction from blood sugars but upper body pushing really gets things moving.

I am beginning to learn how much I don't know about controlling my diabetes since joining this forum but what is for sure is that without weight training I would be taking considerably more insulin.
Didn’t know it could inc bg in the short term I’ll be aware of that going forward thank you as I’ve been going early afternoon and testing bg when I get home which is under an hour later. I was so confused!

I have a slight disability so can’t do high impact stuff.
I am doing a Pilates class once a week and low impact aerobics at home. My weight on the scales hasn't changed but everyone says I look slimmer and my clothes feel looser.
FWIW muscle weighs more than fat, so if you're building muscle you may well be putting a little weight on.
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