Join research: multiple long-term conditions and pregnancy (focus group)

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Relationship to Diabetes
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We are inviting women and birthing people to participate in an online Focus Group, if you:
- are planning a pregnancy or have been pregnant in the last 5 years, AND
- have 2 or more long-term physical or mental health conditions before pregnancy

This includes both physical (e.g. diabetes, kidney disease, epilepsy) or mental health conditions (e.g. depression or anxiety).

We would like to hear your views on what researchers should measure in all studies for pregnant women and birthing people with multiple health conditions. This is to create a Core Outcome Set, which will help shape the design of future research studies.

The Focus Group will be conducted online on Zoom and will last 1.5 to 2 hours. If you have never used Zoom before, we can arrange separate sessions to talk you through how to use Zoom.

You can also bring along your partner / a family member / carer so they can also join the discussion. Participant's time will be reimbursed with a £25 voucher.​

There are 2 dates for the focus groups:
- 10th Feb 2022, 8pm to 10pm
- 8th March 2022, 8pm to 10pm

Contact if you are interested.

This study has been approved by Mike @everydayupsanddowns
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