John Davis retirement (INPUT)

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
John Davis has now retired from INPUT.

John started INPUT in 1998, and it has grown hugely. Having reached the age of
72, John feels he has taken INPUT as far as he can, and that it needs fresh
ideas and fresh minds to develop further. John looks forward to pursuing other
interests including serving as Special Advisor to JDRF on CGM, working with
Pop4Diabetes, and being a granddad.

Exciting developments in insulin delivery and greater use of CGM are bringing
more opportunities for INPUT to make the case for diabetes management
technology. Over the last 2 years, my own involvement in INPUT has increased.
With the Advisory Group now in place, INPUT is in a strong position to build on
John’s achievements and expand our activities.

I want to thank John personally for his tremendous dedication and hard work. I
know hundreds of people currently using pumps in the UK as a result of John’s
work will join me in wishing him a long and happy retirement.

Best regards

Lesley Jordan
(copied from email received from INPUT)

I'm sure there are many people who would like to show their appreciation to John for all his hard work over the years and for essentially giving people their lives back.

Wishing John all the best for a long and happy retirement.
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