I may have been a member many years ago but not sure. Type II for about 15 years. Discovered after I went in for a minor operation and the nurses laughed at my finger prick sugar level of 21.6 which they had to explain to me. Like many I have not taken as good care of myself as I should have and do have retinopathy. Eyelea injections (34) followed more recently by Vabysmo (6). Although I have been successful of late about diet and sugar levels assisted a bit by Semaglutide. NOTE if you do have Semaglutide do mention it to your Optakmologist as it can have a counter productive effect on your retina for a few months before the benefits kick in. Smallest dose of 0.25ml per week. Hoping to start extending eye jabs out to 8-12 weeks with the aim of ceasing in the next 12 months. Always wary of the 1-100 injection risk factor and have had one go awry where my eye did not numb down so I flinched. Team now overloading my right eye with numbing drops. Happy to offer advice based on my own experiences Regards Jeremy.
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