Jeremy Hunt attacks 'complacent' hospitals

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Too many hospitals are coasting along, settling for meeting minimum standards, according to the health secretary.

In a speech on Friday, Jeremy Hunt will attack a culture of "complacency" and "low aspirations", which he believes is holding the NHS in England back.

He is expected to say while there is a concerted effort to tackle failing hospitals, there should also be a focus on "mediocrity".

It comes a month after the failings over Stafford Hospital were laid bare.

The final report of the public inquiry into the scandal, published at the start of February, attacked the way the system protected corporate self-interest rather than putting patients first.

It must be soul-destroying for all those NHS staff who are working their socks off despite huge upheaval and cuts, to hear this relentless negativity regarding their performance. This is a MASSIVE organisation being starved of resources, with front-line staff pulled every which way on a daily basis. I find Hunt as odious as Andrew Lansley, and that's something I never thought I'd say about anyone :(
How to Demoralise Thousands of Already Demoralised People in One Easy Lesson

- a seminar given by .......

So hard not to mispronounce that chaps name I find ...... :D

The Sarah Millican solution - I'll have to call him Cynthia like the predictive text on her phone (apparently) does!
How to Demoralise Thousands of Already Demoralised People in One Easy Lesson

- a seminar given by .......

So hard not to mispronounce that chaps name I find ...... :D

The Sarah Millican solution - I'll have to call him Cynthia like the predictive text on her phone (apparently) does!

I saw some stock footage on the tv of him meeting and greeting a patient in a hospital, sleeves all rolled up (oh, how I hate it when politicians do that! 😡). I hope they ask these people if they'd like to meet so-and-so, because if he just turned up out of the blue I'd probably punch him! 😱
Too many hospitals are coasting along, settling for meeting minimum standards, according to the health secretary.

In a speech on Friday, Jeremy Hunt will attack a culture of "complacency" and "low aspirations", which he believes is holding the NHS in England back.

He is expected to say while there is a concerted effort to tackle failing hospitals, there should also be a focus on "mediocrity".

It comes a month after the failings over Stafford Hospital were laid bare.

The final report of the public inquiry into the scandal, published at the start of February, attacked the way the system protected corporate self-interest rather than putting patients first.

It must be soul-destroying for all those NHS staff who are working their socks off despite huge upheaval and cuts, to hear this relentless negativity regarding their performance. This is a MASSIVE organisation being starved of resources, with front-line staff pulled every which way on a daily basis. I find Hunt as odious as Andrew Lansley, and that's something I never thought I'd say about anyone :(

Really? You are having a go at the bloke because the BBC say he will say something later or that he is expected to say something else.

Why not wait to see what he actually says before saying that he is doing something wrong.

Words fail me, they really do. A topic headline saying he attacks complacent hospitals when he hasn't even opened his mouth yet, astonishing.

Some of these hospitals will deserve it as well. Last weekend I learned the differing standards Trophywench (the lovely lady that helped me out) has to endure because she is in a postcode that doesn't provide the good care her last postcode provided, yet the money spent is the same. Are we going to say that's right?

I would also add, those trusts that are struggling for money are generally the ones that were strong armed into very expensive PPI's by new labour and Andy Burnham
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If you want to see Mr Hunt live, he is scheduled to speak at this event:

Tackling Long-Term Conditions: Meeting the Challenge
16th May 2013, The Barbican, London
If you want to see Mr Hunt live, he is scheduled to speak at this event:

Tackling Long-Term Conditions: Meeting the Challenge
16th May 2013, The Barbican, London

Nah I'm not keen on the bloke lol:D
LOL - I didn't endure them quietly Paul ! you can be sure of that one !
Really? You are having a go at the bloke because the BBC say he will say something later or that he is expected to say something else.

Why not wait to see what he actually says before saying that he is doing something wrong...

Paul, the man doesn't have to say anything, he's on my list along with several other cronies of his, he's said enough for me ever since he got the job (and before that, come to think about it!)! 😱 Anyway, stuff like this isn't just on the BBC, it's reported everywhere and the reason for that is that it's been leaked to the media to draw attention to it.
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