JDRF update on airport scanners - June 2024

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi folks,

Recent update from JDRF on UK airport security

Likely just the manufactures being cautious as they haven't tested their devices in the scanners, but is worth knowing about and we can make our own decisions.
Interesting because, I recently noticed this from Medtrum about their pump (they call it the TouchCare® System")
"The TouchCare® System may be affected by strong radiation or magnetic fields. If you are going to have an X-ray, MRI, CT scan or other type of exposure to radiation, remove your Patch Pump and Glucose Sensing System, and put them outside the treatment area with your PDM. Change the Reservoir Patch and Sensor after the test or procedure is completed.
The TouchCare® System is designed to tolerate common electromagnetic and electrostatic fields, including airport security systems and mobile phones."
(I emboldened the bit about airport scanners)
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