Jab to halt Diabetes

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Saw this when Northerner put the health news up i thought as first yeah right but if it works could be very good.
I was reading this earlier! Seems interesting but a bit late for some of us! lol
Interesting! I think my pancreas would have packed up completly by then sadly :( but great for others if it does work!
One day diabetes will be something talked about in ancient medical text books...
I really hope so!
There's been a load of research done at the moment on diabetes and drugs ending in -mab. These drugs have some kind of effect on the immune system and as type 1 diabetes is often (but not always) caused by some kind of immune system dissorder. It's thought that these drugs, that are often used to treat Rhuematoid arthritis can stop the body from attacking the beta cells in the pancreas and prevent the patient developing type 1 diabetes.

What i want to know is how baked potatoes with cheese are supposed to help prevent type 2? As a massive baked spud fan, i'd like my money back, they didn't work.... 🙂
The info might have some truth in it, but if their list of all the things that supposedly give you cancer is anything to go by I don't trust their health section at all. I have no time at all for that paper, personally.
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