IVF Query


Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi, I’m looking for help/advice regarding fertility. I’ve had 4 miscarriages in the last couple of yrs and despite tests, no obvious reason has been found. I’m very old (45!), have T1D, Addisons Disease & an under active thyroid so presume these are the reasons! I get pregnant very easily but usually miscarry at 6/8wks.
My partner and I are now looking into ivf with egg donation. Does anyone have any experience of this? We’re currently looking for reputable clinics around Europe.
Thanks in advance
Hi, I’m looking for help/advice regarding fertility. I’ve had 4 miscarriages in the last couple of yrs and despite tests, no obvious reason has been found. I’m very old (45!), have T1D, Addisons Disease & an under active thyroid so presume these are the reasons! I get pregnant very easily but usually miscarry at 6/8wks.
My partner and I are now looking into ivf with egg donation. Does anyone have any experience of this? We’re currently looking for reputable clinics around Europe.
Thanks in advance
Welcome to the forum.
I think you need to do lots of research otherwise you may get misled by a clinic that will promise success when that may not work. If you have has miscarriages then it sounds as if the problem is not with conceiving but being able to carry the baby and I'm not sure IVF would help with that as it is generally aimed at those who struggle to conceive and the risk of miscarriage is also quite high.
I know in some cases people are unable to carry a baby of a particular gender so that may be a reason.
Obviously your age is not in your favour but not impossible.
My daughter (an obs consultant) had a lady who was 55 at her clinic who had had IVF overseas, she would not have met the criteria here.*
Hi, thanks for your reply. We are trying to gather as much info as possible but it’s a minefield. We’re in touch with a clinic in Greece atm as they’ve been recommended by a couple we know but they don’t have any medical issues like myself.
We’ve seen a fertility clinic locally, had some tests etc, but they couldn’t find anything obviously wrong so suggested egg donation because of my age (they think it’s more likely poor egg quality). As you said though, it’s all a waste if I’m unable to carry a child ‍♀️
I don’t have anything especially helpful to say but wanted to just sympathise with you on your losses and difficult pregnancy journey. Have you seen the consultant about why you are having miscarriages. I know here once you have 3 miscarriages you get additional input. I would also have a good chat with them about the likelihood of ivf succeeding in your personal situation. 42 is usually the cut off for IVF on the nhs but it can depend on personal circumstances so do push it. Donor eggs are available on the nhs in some circumstances. I don’t personally know anyone who has ivf abroad so can’t help there.
When I was on a pregnancy forum, I became friends with a lady who’d had IVF abroad and was at a similar stage of pregnancy to me. She was in her 40s. She used a donor egg. I know what country but I can find out the clinic and PM you if you like @Asear
I don’t have anything especially helpful to say but wanted to just sympathise with you on your losses and difficult pregnancy journey. Have you seen the consultant about why you are having miscarriages. I know here once you have 3 miscarriages you get additional input. I would also have a good chat with them about the likelihood of ivf succeeding in your personal situation. 42 is usually the cut off for IVF on the nhs but it can depend on personal circumstances so do push it. Donor eggs are available on the nhs in some circumstances. I don’t personally know anyone who has ivf abroad so can’t help there.
Ah, thanks so much. Yes, I’ve seen the fertility people in my local hospital. They’ve done tests and said they can’t see any obvious reason why I’m miscarrying so are putting it down to egg quality with my age, keeping my levels perfect and some luck basically! We’re not eligible for ivf on the nhs.
Thanks again for your message
When I was on a pregnancy forum, I became friends with a lady who’d had IVF abroad and was at a similar stage of pregnancy to me. She was in her 40s. She used a donor egg. I know what country but I can find out the clinic and PM you if you like @Asear
That would be really helpful if it’s not too much trouble? Thanks very much All info is much appreciated. I wish I’d posted on here sooner!
I have a couple of friends who had egg donations when they struggled with miscarriages through IVF. One went to Spain for the treatment but the other was able to do it privately in the UK. I think the rules have changed in the UK so you do not have to include the challenges of travel to the other challenges.
I think both were successful first time around after quite a few miscarriages each.
Both have very healthy children - the older one is now 10 and the younger one was born this summer.
Neither have Type 1 although one had to manage gestational diabetes during her pregnancy.
I have a couple of friends who had egg donations when they struggled with miscarriages through IVF. One went to Spain for the treatment but the other was able to do it privately in the UK. I think the rules have changed in the UK so you do not have to include the challenges of travel to the other challenges.
I think both were successful first time around after quite a few miscarriages each.
Both have very healthy children - the older one is now 10 and the younger one was born this summer.
Neither have Type 1 although one had to manage gestational diabetes during her pregnancy.
It’s good to hear success stories, I’m glad it worked out for your friends.
We’ve heard there are some good clinics in Spain also. It’s difficult to find the right place… We’ve seen and had prices from a UK clinic