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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hello everyone, I have just been diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes, which I've been trying to avoid for a number of years. Oh well, I know there is a lot of help and information to be had, and this is my first port of call.🙂

Scores on the doors, 49 but no Metformin - just healthy diet and exercise. Trouble is I also have Fibromyalgia, and life was a bit tough already with that without this on top. I wondered if anyone else had this combination?

Anyway I'm going to be scouring the forum, and the site, for ideas and advice, and I can tell many others find this a great source of support - so thank you in advance!
Hello Wynnie and welcome to the forum. 🙂 I've always been convinced I have Fibromyalgia, I hurt if somebody pokes me!
Welcome to the forum @Wynnie. Sorry you have to be here with diabetes and fibromyalgia.
There's lots of help and support available, so ask away.
Welcome to the forum.🙂
Hi and welcome to the forum Wynnie ~ sorry to hear you have been dx (diagnosed) but glad you have found your way to our supportive forum ~ lots of knowledgeable and experienced folk here so if you need to know anything then do please ask. Diabetes can be daunting at first ~ and overwhelming to a Newbie but fear not you will receive plenty of help here.

To help you glean more information about diabetes I recommend the following links:~

1. https://forum.diabetes.org.uk/boards/threads/useful-links-for-people-new-to-diabetes.10406
This link provides more links of interest to the below mentioned items.

2. Type 2 Diabetes : The First Year by Gretchen Becker. Gretchen herself is Type2 and when she was diagnosed in 1996 she educated herself re: Diabetes. An easy to understand and self explanatory book. Amazon.

3. The book CARB & CALORIE COUNTER. This highly visual approach makes it incredibly quick and easy to see the nutrient content of the food and drink you consume. With over 1700 coloured photo's it displays the carborhydrate ~ calorie ~ protein ~ fat ~ saturated fat ~ and fibre values in colour-coded circles below each photo. Amaxon £10.49. There is also a pocket size version to take with you when out and about. £6.99 Amazon. The aim to maintain healthy bgls ( Blood glucose levels) is to reduce your carborhydrate consumption ~ and exercise. A walk particularly after meals will contribute also.

4. The Diabetic Athlete's Handbook. Amazon.

5. Jennifer's Advice ~ and Maggie Davey's letter as mentioned in the very first link above.

I'm afraid I'm not medically proficient to help you as to Fibromyalgia but there may be others here who will be able to.

There's much more that you need to know about managing your diabetes but I don't wish to overwhelm you any more than you are at this stage. Others will be along to give you advice and guidance.

Should you need to know anything further, anything at all relating to your Diabetes then do please ask. Take care and good luck x
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