Ive been invited to a party!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
To mark 10 years of Education for Type 1 diabetes in Bournemouth (woo, Bournemouth!).

It is a day of talks, displays, workshops and lot's of oppotunity to chat with the team from Bournemouth Diabetes Centre and other people with diabetes.

I haven't been to any follow-up BERTIE meetings for a long time, so think I might go to this. Very exciting 😉

So far I haven't seen anyone on here who is from Bournemouth, but I'll ask anyway... Is anybody else going?

Hopefully it will be interesting 🙂 Looking forward to the free food too.
have a good time sounds very interesting x
I went to a Dafne reunion the other week, great day. We even had lunch donated by NOVO. It did make me laugh, lots of choclate, cake, biscuits and OJ! Good to mingle though, I hope you enjoy your doo! x
Yeah should be good to meet some fellow type 1s. I never meet anyone with diabetes!
Oh yeah, man I love that! How sad am I but I met some girls at this reunion day looked my sort of age and we got comparing equip and needles etc like it was fashion accessories! I could happily go on a diabetes holiday or something with all these people....the talk would be endless!
Have a great time, I am hoping to go to a 3D event to meet some other diabetics my age.
And I agree get them to all join the forum!
Sounds good Katie, I think it's always helpful to actually come face to face with other diabetics! We're rarer than you'd think out in the real world, hehe.

Have a great time, I am hoping to go to a 3D event to meet some other diabetics my age.
And I agree get them to all join the forum!

I've just signed up for a 3D course too, but was a bit unsure of its purpose... Can you fill me in?! 🙂
Have a great time, I am hoping to go to a 3D event to meet some other diabetics my age.
And I agree get them to all join the forum!

Man, I really fancy that too and looked into it.....unfortunately it would appear I should sign on for the nursing home instead as I am too old at 31 :(
Sounds good Katie, I think it's always helpful to actually come face to face with other diabetics! We're rarer than you'd think out in the real world, hehe.

I've just signed up for a 3D course too, but was a bit unsure of its purpose... Can you fill me in?! 🙂

hehe we are rare. I found out that someone of my course is type 1 yesterday. This guy was taking the piss out of him because he's a little geeky and then started taking the mick out of him for having type one diabetes! I was like "What the F*** are you talking about? I'm type one! you d***" etc. It was quite funny, but I think he was taking the mick out of him doing a trial of the pump :( and ive always thought people would think the pump is weird, which puts me off a bit!

What is a 3D course Nikki? do you know if they do them at Bournemouth?
hehe we are rare. I found out that someone of my course is type 1 yesterday. This guy was taking the piss out of him because he's a little geeky and then started taking the mick out of him for having type one diabetes! I was like "What the F*** are you talking about? I'm type one! you d***" etc. It was quite funny, but I think he was taking the mick out of him doing a trial of the pump :( and ive always thought people would think the pump is weird, which puts me off a bit!

Hmmm... It's not good - but just ignorance I guess... I'm sure he'll never take the mickey out of anyone for it again!! I lived with another diabetic at uni, the only other one I've known since not being in the childhood clinic at the hospital. It was quite interesting! Although he'd been diabetic for much longer than me and was very much dealing with it whereas I wasn't!! He had a hypo once and refused to test his blood (although I could tell he was low), he then pretended to test it and proceeded to tell me it was 7. I finally managed ot get him to test it and it was about 1.5 - funny in a way but a bit scary too!

I have similar feelings to you about the pump too... I'm not sure about having a line coming out of my tummy... 😱
Urgh, today I realised that this thing is on a saturday. I just assumed it was a week day thing! What an exciting way to spend the weekend :D Nah, I'm sure it will be great hehe.

In fact, just as I typed that I realised it's THIS saturday, gahh! Anyway, I shall let you guys know how it goes and whether I learnt anything.
Better than realising it was last Saturday! Sounds interesting - and who knows, you might meet some people who have been lurking here (in the nicest possible way!).
Have a good time,I'm sure you will learn something new or brush up on things you forgotton and don't forget to promote this site!

maybe you will win a prize if you can recruit 5 members 😉
thanks steph 🙂

Have a good time,I'm sure you will learn something new or brush up on things you forgotton and don't forget to promote this site!

maybe you will win a prize if you can recruit 5 members 😉

I was going to make some nice leaflets to give out, but now I think im too late to get to a coloured printer before saturday 🙄 So I will just print them in black and white for now. Im not very good at sales but I will do my best lol.
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