I've been a bad boy!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Went for my pre annual check up bloods last monday, I knew they wouldn't be good as I have not been controlling my diabetes properly since my accident (RTA, Brain Haemorrhage) not that I'm using it as an excuse, I know I've been bad, I've been in serious denial since it happened last September, I had convinced myself that as I had lost a further two stone I didn't need to be so careful anymore (fool). So when the Doc's receptionist phoned on tuesday I knew. I had also just had my annual eye exam which showed a marginal deterioration but was not requiring treatment as it was so small. But , I knew, it was just the wake up call I needed, now I'm back on the straight and narrow, proper meals, no junk food, walking at least two or three miles every day. I've managed to drop 6lbs in 6 days and feel better for it too.
Now I need more help because I realize I don't know enough about diabetes. I want to be in control rather than just guessing and hoping for the best.
Unfortunately one of my main problems since the accident has been a loss of memory function and the ability to learn new skills, almost everything I have learned in the last year has been scrambled, some things I am still able to remember but a lot is gone. I was at the specialist accident rehabilitation centre on friday and the consultant says that I am still looking at a year and a half before a full recovery is made.
I have started taking notes and recording conversations to help me remember things, and now I want to tackle the diabetes in the same systematic and logical manner that I try to deal with life.
The help from my health care team has been good, but I have not been asking lots of questions and generally being in their faces to get the best return. That is now going to change because I refuse to end up blind or having bits of me chopped off, I want more and with what I have read from the other members on here I can achieve it. It just takes determination and knowledge.
I am at the diabetic clinic on monday, my diet will be reviewed, I believe the Podiatrist wil be checking my feet and the clinical nurse will be having a chat with me, I have a list of about twenty relevant questions I have managed to glean from the site on various other posts, but if there are any suggestions I will be only too glad to listen.
Thanks everyone in advance. Jim.
Sorry for the length of this (rant) missive 😱
Oh boy, you certainly have had a rough ride Jim. It's good that you're planning to take control of your diabetes and you've already made progress. Hopefully, someone will be along with the advice you need to keep you on track.

Good luck Jim

Oh wow jim what a lot to deal with, but now at least your taking a good look at your diabetes and are going to do your best to control it, good luck on monday and do come back on and let us know what happened x
take care

hope some of these questions come in hand for you .

1. Does having diabetes mean that I am at higher risk for other medical problems?

2. Should I start seeing other doctors regularly, such as an eye doctor?

3. How often should I test my blood sugar and what should I do if it is too high or too low?

4. Are there any new medications that could be used to help manage my diabetes?

5. Does diabetes mean I have to stop eating the foods I like best?

6. How can exercise make a difference in my diabetes?

7. If I'm overweight, how many pounds do I have to lose to make a difference in my health?

8. Are my children at increased risk for the disease?

9. What is the importance of diet in diabetes?

10. Do I need to take my medications even on days that I feel fine?
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Hi Jim, it's understandable that you should feel a lack of motivation after the awful accident, but that is now in the past and it sounds like you are gearing yourself up to really get to grips with your diabetes - great to hear!🙂

I think the best approach is not to try and do everything at once - plan to make small changes each week, maybe just small, attainable targets like eating some oily fish twice a week and going for a walk on at least three days in the week. If you write yourself a plan then you can refer to it and tick off the successes. As you proceed you will probably think of new ways that you can change things for the following week. You will be surprised at how quickly you can incorporate these things into your regime, and will be able to look back at your achievements.

Just an idea! Good luck whatever you decide to do, and please call on us for help if you need it!
Oh wow jim what a lot to deal with, but now at least your taking a good look at your diabetes and are going to do your best to control it, good luck on monday and do come back on and let us know what happened x
take crae.

No, thank you Steff, cos' it was your list of things to ask, that gave me the idea in the first place. So thanks again!
No, thank you Steff, cos' it was your list of things to ask, that gave me the idea in the first place. So thanks again!

ahh well i have just put them in my post up there ^^ lol, gives you another chance to read them again lol x
Oh boy, you certainly have had a rough ride Jim. It's good that you're planning to take control of your diabetes and you've already made progress. Hopefully, someone will be along with the advice you need to keep you on track.

Good luck Jim


I like the Queen of De-nial :D

I think I'll change mine to King of De-nial 'cos it is just so appropriate :D
Hi Jim, it's understandable that you should feel a lack of motivation after the awful accident, but that is now in the past and it sounds like you are gearing yourself up to really get to grips with your diabetes - great to hear!🙂

I think the best approach is not to try and do everything at once - plan to make small changes each week, maybe just small, attainable targets like eating some oily fish twice a week and going for a walk on at least three days in the week. If you write yourself a plan then you can refer to it and tick off the successes. As you proceed you will probably think of new ways that you can change things for the following week. You will be surprised at how quickly you can incorporate these things into your regime, and will be able to look back at your achievements.

Just an idea! Good luck whatever you decide to do, and please call on us for help if you need it!

Thanks for the encouragement! I will definately be in touch because ignorance, in this case, is not bliss. 😉

When I came out of hospital my numbers were HbA1c 6.4% that was October 2009's check, last weeks numbers were HbA1c 7.1% so, room for improvement.
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I like the Queen of De-nial :D

I think I'll change mine to King of De-nial 'cos it is just so appropriate :D

Go for it Jim!!! Not that you need it, but you have my blessing!! :D:D

Sounds like you have had a pretty tough time of it one way and another.

It sounds like you are making some very positive changes for the better. Good luck with the clinic, I'm sure things will improve for you soon as you are working so hard!
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