I've asked for a pump...

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Since my TP last year I've been on MDI but have struggled with gastroparesis which often caused my BGs to drop then rise to the high teens after eating. I purchased a libre a few weeks ago thinking that would help - it has, but not in the way I expected. I've realised the only way to avoid the hypos and highs is to monitor constantly after eating and bolus 2 or 3 times for each meal which is not realistic at work, is mentally wearing and makes planning for driving and exercise extremely difficult.

I emailed my consultant today to see what she thought about a pump and she messaged me back to say she's going to get the ball rolling 🙂. Feeling a little nervous but also looking forward to it. She doesn't think it will take long so I think I'd better get reading..
Since my TP last year I've been on MDI but have struggled with gastroparesis which often caused my BGs to drop then rise to the high teens after eating. I purchased a libre a few weeks ago thinking that would help - it has, but not in the way I expected. I've realised the only way to avoid the hypos and highs is to monitor constantly after eating and bolus 2 or 3 times for each meal which is not realistic at work, is mentally wearing and makes planning for driving and exercise extremely difficult.

I emailed my consultant today to see what she thought about a pump and she messaged me back to say she's going to get the ball rolling 🙂. Feeling a little nervous but also looking forward to it. She doesn't think it will take long so I think I'd better get reading..

My AccuChek Insight pump is great and I've had a libre for a few weeks .You have been working hard with all those boluses! All the best
Oh - I'm really glad!! I nagged at Amanda (AJ Lang) unremittingly to get a pump - it's really the only way to cope with gastroparesis once you've been blighted by it. It's still B hard - but to be able to split and extend boluses (and cancel em halfway through to either increase or reduce the dose if you need to) will be so helpful.

Keep us posted as to what and when - and get reading 'Pumping Insulin' forthwith! (some of it won't make a lot of sense until you become a bit familiar with what and how a pump works in situ, attached to you)
Great news @Ref

Hope the application goes smoothly and your transition from MDI to pump is a breeze. Do you know if you will get a choice between pumps? Or do your clinic major on only one sort?

If you;ve not heard of it before 'Pumping Insulin' (John Walsh/Ruth Roberts) is well worth a read - even before you start as there is lots of info in there about different pumps, what to look for and what CSII might mean for you in practical terms.
Thanks for the encouragement and advice, everyone. I've been umming and ahhing about it for a while but having the libre made me realise MDI just doesn't work for me.

My consultant took me by surprise a little - I thought she'd read my email and say bring your next appointment forward and we'll discuss it but no, full steam ahead. I guess she was expecting it. The fact I've put in the legwork with numerous 'experiments' she's asked me to try plus a loan CGM, the libre output and the meticulous records I've kept over the past year, may have helped.

I've got Using Insulin which has proved v useful up to now so I'll definitely get Pumping Inuslin. I've also got Think like a pancreas which if I remember correctly has some info on pumps so I'll re-read that as well. Any other good websites? I started looking through some last night but became very confused, very quickly so I've got a bit of a learning curve to climb - certainly exercises your brain this condition, doesn't it?

I have no idea if I'll be given a choice of pump but as I'm with a major London hospital I'm hoping I will be. I was going to ask 'which pump is best?' but I've already learned that the answer to that is 'depends why you want it' so I'll have to give that some thought.

Just waiting to hear from the 'pump nurse'.

I'll let you know how I get on
Since my TP last year I've been on MDI but have struggled with gastroparesis which often caused my BGs to drop then rise to the high teens after eating. I purchased a libre a few weeks ago thinking that would help - it has, but not in the way I expected. I've realised the only way to avoid the hypos and highs is to monitor constantly after eating and bolus 2 or 3 times for each meal which is not realistic at work, is mentally wearing and makes planning for driving and exercise extremely difficult.

I emailed my consultant today to see what she thought about a pump and she messaged me back to say she's going to get the ball rolling 🙂. Feeling a little nervous but also looking forward to it. She doesn't think it will take long so I think I'd better get reading..
You will love it !. Miles more adaptable for the individual. Good luck 🙂
EDUAD - isn't there a critique of one of the pumps - 640g?? - on your Blog site?
Pumping certainly improved my life - I'm sure it'll do the same for you. If you have the opportunity to get a pump that comes with a cgm, go for it.
Hi Ref the pump is absolutely brilliant for helping with gastroparesis. However, lovely as my consultant and DSN are I've found that nobody other than me knows how to get my basal and Bolus levels right. So please be prepared to do a lot of experimenting yourself. My consultant, who is a gastroparesis specialist, was surprised that I have a six hour extended bolus for my evening meal but it works perfectly for me. I do have to change the basals a lot, test a lot and no one day is the same. But my HBA1Cs have been great for someone with gastroparesis. 6.7 in August and 6.4 in February. I even managed a 5.9 HBA1C once. But even with the pump levels can be erratic.
Hi Ref

I got my pump four years ago and would never want to go back to MDI. Do some reading beforehand will help a lot, but some of it only becomes clear once you are doing it yourself. There are also loads of people on here with ideas and answers to the many pump users questions at the start.

It is a bit of work to get the pump set up for your personal needs, and with the regular reviews and chance, but you are already doing that with your Libre etc. I look forward to hearing how you get on,a and which you choose as I am coimmmming up for a renewal soon
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