It's time to end the NHS bias against mental health

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
It?s a radical idea: that there should be parity of esteem between mental and physical health. The interdependence of mental and physical health should mean that we are pushing on an open door.
But somehow the NHS default remains stubbornly biased towards physical health. A terrible false economy at the expense of people?s lives ? as well as the public purse.

There has been progress. The strategy led to Government funding for the ground breaking Time to Change anti-stigma campaign, ?400 million has been committed to make psychological therapies available for adults of all ages, and, with a strong focus on outcomes, the more established IAPT services are achieving recovery rates of 50%.

Recovery colleges are also now being piloted bringing an important new dimension to mental health. Students at the colleges not only learn to manage their condition, they learn skills to help them back to work and form new relationships.

Initial evaluations reveal that simply being called students rather than patients has helped.
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