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Its the little things.... 8-)


Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Did a bit of shopping and driving around this morning, popped into a petrol garage to fill the car up, and treated myself to a Twix!
Had one Twix finger when I got home, oh my G*d, it was so lush!!! I have not had "proper" Chocolate for about five months.
NB: I have had the odd square of 75%+ dark choc.....
My plan is to save the other Twix finger for tomorrow, but I may give in and have it later.... 😎
a little treat does you good and will not hurt enjoy the other half
A Twix would be the last chocolate bar I would be tempted to buy..... the shop and all the surrounding shops would have to be sold out of all their Cadbury's chocolate and Mars/Snickers before I would contemplate one. For me though the other half of a milk chocolate bar would be pleading with me to eat. It would be a step onto a very slippery slope for me that I would struggle to get off. It is just no good me going there.
Pleased you enjoyed what was obviously a treat for you though. Just as well we are all different.
We have a box of chocolate bars, mostly from ALDI, their dark choc of different flavours or the much sought after dark choc Toblerone which are reserved for our weekend 1 square with the evening coffee. OH selects and gives me the piece.
I am never tempted to go into the box to get any more.
Anything milk choc tastes horribly sweet.
Oh I love chocolate. I will admit belt my diagnosis I did eat a little too much of it.

I've been surprised actually how easily I've managed to cut it almost right out bar the odd (not more than one in a day) fun sized somethingorother.
Yep, TBH, so far I don't really miss the bad sweet things, choc, crisps, cake, etc. And I used to eat a lot of them.
If I'm feeling hungry now I am more likely to be craving a nice Greek salad or a roast chicken.
I used to love crisps especially, anything in cheese and onion and would usually have at least one bag a day, plus other treats. Its actually quite scary looking back now, knowing what I used to eat, and how bad those things were, and how often I would eat them.
But I am still very motivated to not get back into old habits if at all possible.
But I will still allow myself the occasional treat.
I used to love a twin. Often a daily treat pre diabetes. Haven't had one since last March but tbh not really missing it. There is a bar of dark chocolate in the pantry which has been there about 2 weeks. Haven't been tempted yet.....but making no promises :D