It's really happening......

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Just opened the door to a very nice man from TNT. Nothing unusual about that I guess but he was holding a box wrapped in Medtronic tape!

My pump has arrived 😱 a whole 27 days before I start on it. I had all on not bursting in to tears infront of him, since closing the door I have sat blubbing with the unopened box infront of me! I didn't expect it yet, I'm sooo pleased its happening just having it here has opened a flood gate of emotion.

Just need to get a grip of myself and open the box and start reading the manual and get to know her (no name yet!). Don't let anyone tell you that diabetes doesn't mess with your emotions 🙄

Roll on the 11th May, no doubt I will cry on that day too!
WOW nice for you nevertheless , coming so early as well, happy reading no doubt there plenty for you to do lol.
Congratulations on your present from Medtronic.

Look forward to welcoming you to the club on the 11th May.
It's soooo emotional isn't it? I totally understand how you feel, altho I collected my Poppy from the hosp on day 1 of pumping, so had no time to get to know her first!!

If you do decide to name her have a look at my facebook group, it's just for a bit of fun, it's called My Insulin Pump has a name!! hehe

Looking forward to hearing about ure journey when you get connected....lotsa of fellow pumper hugs xxx
Woooop! Congratulations on joining the club. I know the feeling. I got given my pump a few weeks prior to going live and just sat there drooling at it! I went live on Monday and it's a wonderful world bar the hypos! Ah well, got to iron out the faults.

Its really good 🙂 biggest thing for me was not having to do my lantus. I keep getting into bed thinking "D'oh, I didn't do my lantus" then I get all giddy when I remember that I don't have too!! :D
I've almost been on the pump for a month now and its so much better! Still ironing out the kinks too, went swimming for the first time on the pump on Saturday, I think next time I'll need slightly more carb though as I was 3.7 when I got out. I didn't want to over do it though as I was off the pump for an hour.
How exciting!:D

The day before Alex was due to start on his pump we had a phonecall off the DSN, saying the pump hadnt arrived - but that they had tracked it down and hopefully might be there at 8.50am in the morning. Our appointment was at 9am. I didnt sleep worrying about it. Finally it arrived with a couple of minutes to spare - all very nervewracking!😱🙂Bev
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