Its Official

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Well its official, I am depressed, the accident rehabilitation centre consultant has prescribed The Flu (fluoxetine, generic name Prozac) but after reading the possible side effects, I really don't want to take it. My o/h thinks I should give it a try but I'm also worried about its addictive potential and the fact that diabetic angina sufferers (me) are not meant to use it, the Doc says I will be fine as my angina is well under control (haven't had to use the under tongue spray for nearly a year) and my numbers for diabetes are not too bad either. (Losing nearly four stone has helped a lot 😛)
Is there anyone else on here that takes it who might give an opinion?
I think I know what is causing the depression as I had a little break through of sorts, but I've still to chat with my Doc about it so I'll have to wait and see.
If you'd rather pm thats fine by me, discretion and me are becoming good friends as not everyone wants to know. 😛
Hi Jimbo

Sorry to hear you are now 'officially' depressed. I can't help with Prozac though you said it yourself, I would worry about the addictiveness of such a drug.

This may be way off but have you thought of going down the natural or homeopathic route. Don't get me wrong I know nothing about that sort of thing but I do know my brother took Hypericum a number of years ago for depression. I believe it is the active ingredient in St Johns Wort but he just got the hypericum and took it for a year and bingo, he seemed ok afte that.
Hi Jimbo sorry to hear your feeling down, I am or was on prozac but im afraid i had all sorts of issues with it, I shall pm you at some point later tonight if tha is ok? x
Hi Jimbo

Sorry to hear you are now 'officially' depressed. I can't help with Prozac though you said it yourself, I would worry about the addictiveness of such a drug.

This may be way off but have you thought of going down the natural or homeopathic route. Don't get me wrong I know nothing about that sort of thing but I do know my brother took Hypericum a number of years ago for depression. I believe it is the active ingredient in St Johns Wort but he just got the hypericum and took it for a year and bingo, he seemed ok afte that.

Thanks for the info Adrienne, I hadn't previously thought of following a homeopathic route, mainly, because I have no knowledge or experience of it. However the tinternet is a wonderful teacher.
I will look into this , thanks, Jimbo.
Hi Jimbo sorry to hear your feeling down, I am or was on prozac but im afraid i had all sorts of issues with it, I shall pm you at some point later tonight if tha is ok? x

Thanks Steff, yes please! :D
Thanks for the info Adrienne, I hadn't previously thought of following a homeopathic route, mainly, because I have no knowledge or experience of it. However the tinternet is a wonderful teacher.
I will look into this , thanks, Jimbo.

I don't know if it works for all, but it did for my brother. I didn't see a change but I didn't know he was depressed, he said he just felt a change.
Hypericum is actually quite a powerful drug, if you want to take it then check with a pharmacist whether it could interfere with any of the drugs you are on. Warfarin is one where there are contra-indications but I think there are quite a lot more.

I took the lowest dose of Prozac. You have to be careful if there is any chance of a hypo because it can mask hypo symptoms - I think it says that on the Patient Information Leaflet.
hi jimbo please do not use the st johns wort without checking with gp re other meds there are on sertraline a stronger version of prozac i ve been quite open about it because the way it works is by stopping the liver uptaking the the sertetonin (happy hormone) and ive been on it for 12years xx and it works for me ..... but thats me xx
hi jimbo please do not use the st johns wort without checking with gp re other meds there are on sertraline a stronger version of prozac i ve been quite open about it because the way it works is by stopping the liver uptaking the the sertetonin (happy hormone) and ive been on it for 12years xx and it works for me ..... but thats me xx

Don't worry I wouldn't do anything without running it by my Doc first, I am trying to find out all I can so that I can make an informed decision, for the best.
Don't worry I wouldn't do anything without running it by my Doc first, I am trying to find out all I can so that I can make an informed decision, for the best.

good luck 🙂
Hi John

I started on prozac in November. I have previously taken it for a number of years. I have never had any problems with it masking hypo symptoms. It is one of the less addictive antidepressants too. I have not found it addictive despite at times being on a high dose. I would recommend that you had counselling of some sort too, to try to deal with the cause of your problems. It does take at least a month to kick in so if you do give it a go you need to give it a while to work. I have found that the initial side effect of slight grogginess was only for the initial few days.

Hope you feel better soon

hi jimbo please do not use the st johns wort without checking with gp re other meds there are on sertraline a stronger version of prozac i ve been quite open about it because the way it works is by stopping the liver uptaking the the sertetonin (happy hormone) and ive been on it for 12years xx and it works for me ..... but thats me xx

See there you go, I didn't know all about it. My brother isn't diabetic and takes no other meds so it was no problem for him.

I would still look into it and ask the powers that be. You never know.
I am also depressed welcome to the club, it is nothing to be ashamed of, it is something a lot of people deal with in the world.. some manage without meds, some of us need help whether it be short term or long term.. I have been on amitriptyline, citalopram, escitalopram and most recently have been put on Venlafaxine and I find this has been the best so far.. I still get down but it takes the edge off and I am able to deal with the world better.. I think most of my tablets all disagree with eachother but I can't do without them either..

One of my friends used st johns wort and 5-htp to help her when her mum died..

but as the others have said check first before deciding to take either or both of them..
Hi Jimbo

I was put on fluoxatine in december of 2002 following an attack by a former work colleague, my doctor thought at the time that it would help my depression, i actually weaned myself of it but it took me 6 years to realise that it was actually making me worse.

Fluoxatine left me constantly tired and at times i never knew where i was, i relied on my husband and kids a lot. it is in my opinion extremely addictive and it is very hard to come off it, there has been a lot of times when i have wanted to go back to them, but now i am off them i never want to go back to them.

if you can possibly manage without it i would recommend it, go and discuss it with your doctor, see if there is a less additive alternative

if you require any further help or advise e mail me.

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