'It's like being switched off'

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Chronic fatigue dominates the lives of people with multiple sclerosis - and other long-term conditions. Here Alison Potts, who has had MS for 20 years, tells how it affects her life.

Earlier this month MS in Focus magazine published the results of a global survey on MS fatigue.

"My family and friends just think I'm tired and lazy," one person said - and another: "Fatigue prevents me from being the wife and mother I want to be."

Chronic fatigue is the most common symptom of MS, the hardest to treat and the most misunderstood.

In the MS Focus poll, 89% of the 100,000 people from 101 countries who were surveyed said fatigue had a high impact on their life.

But more than half felt those around them do not accept its effects.

Unless you have endured it yourself, there isn't anyone who can imagine what this experience is like, yet for we who live our lives with this illness, other peoples' understanding is crucial and other peoples' misunderstandings add further damage to an already devastating condition.

Alison Potts, discribes the switching off to a T.
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