It's going down!

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
😉 Went to the doctors yesterday to have my Hba1c reading done.
(this was being told that If I did not get my blood sugars down, Id be put on injections.) Really dreading it, as Id convinced myself that the doc was going to put me on injections and got myself in to a right lather over it.
Ive gone from having a reading at around 10 -11 to 7. My goal is between 4 and 5.
Just wanted to say to all those out there that are struggling to do the same, hang in there. never give up trying and just knuckle down. Diabetics are not the same as other people who arent. we cant eat chocolates and cakes like everyone else and though its hard to get your head round the doctors and health professionals are there to help prolong our lives but its up to us to control it. I had a 12 month grieving period for all the foods I should and can not eat anymore and it was tuff going.
Keep it up and dont fall off the wagon too often.
That is brilliant, you have done well and shows the rest of us what can be done
Well done that is really great shelly x
Great news! Keep on track and get those numbers even lower. In my opinion, it's well worth it just to keep off needing to inject insulin and steer clear of the nasty complications that can come the way of people with diabetes.

Good luck and best wishes - John.
Well done!! All your hard work has paid off - you must be really pleased 🙂
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