It's getting serious

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Marie Parker

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi peeps,

I am a type 2 diabetic, I was diagnosed about 4 yrs ago and my readings were good! About 6 months later I was put on 1 metformin 3x a day. I then lost about 2 stones in weight and everything was good again and I cut a metformin out a day taking me to 2 tablets a day and things were pretty good 🙂 And then it all went pear shape :( I was diagnosed as suffering from depression 2 yrs ago, which is tablet controlled ~ I take 200mg of Setraline a day ~ with my depression I became home bound almost and I have gone from walking 18,000 steps a day to about 800 if I am lucky 😡 needless to say my weight has increased again and last Feb a cholestoral tablet was added to my cocktail. Just before Christmas my bs readings were raised and the doctor doubled my metformin to 4 a day. My fasting bs is between 10 and 15 at the moment, my diet has gone from bad to worse and Tuesday past I was at the nurse for my bloods as I am due to see the doc for my MOT, my weight has gone up 3kg in a year and now the bottom number of my bp is high for me, I am 48 this year with a family history of heart problems, strokes and diabetes!

I haven't up until this point took my diabetes serious and regarding diet i fail miserably, I joined weight watchers for help but thought it would be better to seek advice and support from you guys as u are living with the same requirements as I need 🙂

Thanks for listening, any help, advice or suggestions would be much appreciated x
Hi Marie

Sorry you are having such a rough time. Has your Dr checked your B12 levels ? Long story but a couple of years back I was depressed and attended a course and low levels of B12 are thought to contribute to depression. I was then put on metformin modified release and read the patient information leaflet, that said that a potential side-effect is B12 deficiency. My GP said that it tends to develop slowly.

Depression and diabetes together is no fun as you tend to end up in a vicious circle.

Can your GP refer you to a nutritionist - some have them attached to the practice ? they might be able to give you some practical advice.

Sorry I am nut much use
take care
hi marie welcome to the forum I too am T2 and on sertraline 100mg. I was diganosed with the depression 12 years ago and Diabetes 18 months ago ...i understand my depression is due to my happy hormones leaving my body to quickly and so thats why im on sertraline as it stops that from happening ...good luck and have alook around the forum and you will find many threads showing how Diabetes and depression seem to go hand in hand for many people x🙂

p.s. Could a mod move this to newbie section as i worried this thread will get lost in general message board Thanks xx
Hi Marie, good for you for realising this is important and won't just go away. It can be very difficult living with a chronic condition like diabetes, and it's not surprising that we all fall by the wayside occasionally. But you have shown determination to turn things around and that is a great start🙂

I think it can help to review the latest thinking about diabetes. Have you read Maggie Davie's open letter in our 'Links' section? Or perhaps pick up a book like Gretchen Becker's Type 2 Diabetes: The First Year

It sounds as though it would help if you could increase your actvity levels. If you are unable to get out and about, is there something you could do at home? It will increase your insulin sensitivity and the exercise endorphins would help to relieve the feelings of depression. Do keep in touch and let us know your plans - I think the fact that like-minded people are listening in and rooting for you is also a great help! Good luck!🙂
Hi and welcome to the forum Marie, firstly i think alot of us can connect depression and diabetes in my case the depression came first that then made the diabetes worse , i know we are only names on a screen but trust me we are the friendliest bunch of people around and we will support you wherever we can xx
Hi Marie

Sorry to hear you at a low ebb just now. I think this must be a common cycle for many of us. I have been very overweight all my life and battled with this and emotional overeating for more years than I like to admit with the not unconnected consequence of a diagnosis of T2 some 9 years ago. The fright this gave me took me into the honeymoon period of watching everything I ate, a drop in weight and a drop in blood sugars.

The a few years down the line it all fell apart again - I have had endless discussions with my OH and my heath team about this and I am convinced that the problem I have stems from a natural tendency to put on weight and very low self esteem which leads me to comfort eat. The diabetes is the price I am paying for the "abuse" I have given my body over the years - it is not the cause but the effect!

I have manged to get my bloods under control once again with a newish medication called Byetta so feel a lot better but I now know that this will only last if I try to sort out the weight problem and that means addressing the things which drive me to eat.

If this sounds familiar, then maybe you could seek some help in finding out what it is that makes you feel so bad about life - I found counseling a big help and was referred to this by my DSN - they helped me to see that I am a worthy person and to like myself more and I hope that I can now pick myself up, be kinder to myself and my health will then improve all round.

Hope this makes sense but whatever it is that you feel, it does help to share - just by putting all this down has given me a lift for the rest of the day - so ramble on and someone will listen🙂
Hi Marie, I'm sorry you are having such a tough time, but good you are seeing the doctor and getting some help.

One of the things my doctor moans at me about is my weight, I just find it hard to loose weight as I am stuck on my own with it. If it will help you, would you like a slimming buddy? We can give each other moral support and share the good days and the bad days? If you'd like a slimming buddy PM me, together we are stronger. My user name at work is Caroline and my user name at home is Caroline Wilson.
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