It's been a year

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
This year has gone so fast it was this time last year I was drinking like a fish my eyes were blurry and I was feeling quiet ill so had to see the GP, Hba1c was 125, BP was through the roof and was almost 22stone.

A year on and Hba1c is 35 BP normal and just hitting 17stone so into the 16's next week if all goes to plan, I can run 4miles without much effort I feel pretty good. Food changes have stuck and love what I am eating, never thought I could go a year without a big Mac but it has been easy and the thought of one makes me sick even hate the smell passing a McDonalds.

What have I lost, Nothing apart from weight

What have I gained, My life back and knowing where to come if I need help or just a chat.

Gave up with the GP's promise of a review in September so went private again for blood tests, one thing that I learnt early on here was that I needed to get total control of things from the start so the GP's could not offer me that but your help did.

Thank you so much

Fantastic @Maca44 , what great results! You've been quiet recently. Missed your jokes :D . I'm with you on the support from this forum. It's been a life saver and a friendly, supportive environment. Keep on doing what you're doing!
Absolutely. This forum has been a life saver for me too.

Great results there Maca44. Shows the hard, determined work you have put in.
Well done .the forum for me has been a live saver and thank you for being part of it .I have not had any support from doctor or nurse . Am considering to go private for blood test as you have .
Many congratulations on your fantastic life change! What a year! Absolutely delighted for you and know that you will manage to maintain what you have achieved.
I too miss your humour and wit on the "waking average" thread but understand that you have a life to get on with. Please drop in occasionally to say "hello" and you know where we are if you need us, but again I'm pretty sure you have it cracked! Well done!
Well done on achieving so much in a year. You are an inspiration, I miss you being on the waking average thread, your humour is missed.
Wow! Amazing @Maca44

What an amazing year you have had - a real inspiration 🙂
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