its been a while

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
hi guys

thought i would apologise for not being on here for a while, i have been rather angry with ambulance control.

i needed two ambulance cars to take me too appointments at the hospital the first was for next tuesday where i am seeing a rhemotologist about my joint pain as blood test came back negative for rhematoid arthritis.
the second was for august appointment for my epilepsy consultant. i complained to the head woman, as when i tried to make the arrangements i was told i could not get a car to take me as i was not over 70 years old.

the head woman told me this was incorrect, and blasted the staff, and made the bookings for me herself.

so when i had to make another booking for transport today, i was nervous to say the least,but i made it and everything is ok again.

i have been suffering a lot of pain in joints, swelling of feet and hands, nausea, violent headaches, and feeling generally unwell. so i am really hoping the rhemotologist can find out what is causing this.

sorry its so long but i really do feel better now.

thanks for listening angie
Hi Angie, and welcome back, I hope you are feeling better. Hubby has osteoarthritis and has been in a lot of pain too. The weather affects the joints and can make them swell up.

Are you on statins atall? One of the side effects of statins is all kinds of aches and pains

I'm glad you got the transport sorted out for your appointments. I really hope you can get the answers you need at your appointments to stop the pain your in x
thanks guys

no i am not on statins i am diet only at the moment, and i do hope they can get to the bottom of all the pain i am in as i can only use the laptop for about half an hour before having to rest a while.

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