It's all going Pete Tong!

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Now that the longer days and brighter weather are here I've been trying to work out what I need to do in order to get out for my run early in the morning. It's sooooo frustrating - today has probably been the worst so far :(

I got up around 6 and my level was 6.2 - a little hihg for me but within range. I injected and had a slice of toast, did various stuff and then tested at 8 am and I was 5.1 - too low to go straight out, so I had a couple of jelly babies to top myself up, waited about 15 minutes and then went for the run. When I got back I was at 10.4, which was annoying, but I thought it would probably start coming down before lunch because of the exercise. Nope! It was up to 11 by lunchtime! Grrrr! I KNOW that it will probably drop below 4 later this afternoon as the exercise makes me sensitive later.

Maybe I shouldn't have had the JBs. Maybe I should have gone out half an hour earlier. Maybe I was still rising from the toast at 2 hours, or I'd missed peaks of insulin. Maybe this, maybe that, maybe the other thing or hundreds of other things. I still love to go for a run, but this is sapping the pleasure from it. Just a rant, I don't expect any answers!😡 I think I will go and read The Diabetic Athlete again, see if I can spot anything I might be missing...
I know the feeling. I'm still having problems working out what to do about exercising. I usually cut off 6 units of my insulin before I exercise because I always exercise a while after a meal. Sometimes after a couple of hours my blood sugars will be perfect other times I'll have a hypo and then other times it'll be high even though I do the same exercise each time for the same length of time too:(

I've reduced my lantus so that my bg's are a little higher so I don't keep having hypo's and treating them. It's working because i've definately got through less coke and hopefully it'll help me shed some more weight.

Hope that you can work out something that works well for you 😉
Thanks Emma. I thought I had a handle on it, but it seems that as soon as I try something slightly different the rules no longer apply!🙄
Yes tell me about it. I suppose were all allowed a few mishaps when it comes to exercising. It is just one of those times where it's quite hard to judge what your bg's are going to do even if you're an expert 🙂
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I've noticed that if I go out for my constitutional straight after lunch my BG goes up at least two points higher than if I go before lunch or wait an extra hour or so afterwards. I've started going out around 3pm now and it's much better.

I got myself a pedometer and aim to do 10,000 steps per day. I usually manage at least 8,000.
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As a confirmed couch potatoe, it sounds like very much trial and error. I wish I had the motivation to do it, but getting up by 5am and beingin work by 7am makes me feel too worn out in the evening to o it. Same old vicious circle really😡
As a confirmed couch potatoe, it sounds like very much trial and error. I wish I had the motivation to do it, but getting up by 5am and beingin work by 7am makes me feel too worn out in the evening to o it. Same old vicious circle really😡

What's the bit of London where you work like? I used to work in The City and there was loads to look at and explore, all those ancient buildings and funny little alleys. I used to wander round them, or one of the many parks at lunch time.

My exercise consists of a 3 mile dog walk on Sats and Suns, will become some evenings as well when I get home from work now nights are lighter.
I test when I get up at 7.30'ish and if I'm 6.00 to 7.00 I just have a glass of (no added sugar) cranberry juice with vitamin tablets and cod liver oil, and don't do any insulin. Will use the same evening routine for the evening walks.
Then after the walk (armed with Dextrose tabs just in case), I retest, (usually dropped by about 1.0 to 1.5) have breakfast (toast or cereal)
or evening meal. We are all different but it works for me - well at the moment anyway!
Hope you can work it out Northener, best of luck.
The weather change seems wreaking havoc with my running at the moment. Had running club last night, despite reducing insulin I was 3.7 half an hour before. 40g quick carbs, 3.6 20mins later! Get downing the carbs, had to continually have carb gels throughout the run to avoid dropping, probably had at least 100g carbs in total, usually that run would have needed 40g, not good! No idea where the others got to, didn't spike later or anything...
Thanks folks. The thing that threw me this morning was that I was 5.1 at two hours after my slice of toast. I'd given myself an extra unit of insulin because on previous days I'd kept on rising after the run and staying in double figures. Since I'm normally around 8 at one hour, I thought I must have passed the peak and maybe had too much insulin - I was more worried I would drop low and then I was completely the opposite! It was hotter than normal on the run though, another factor - grrrr!😡🙄
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