Its all getting me down!!!

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I was diagnosed with Type 2 in August and think after the initail shock i have tried to get on with life, have drastically changed my diet started losing weight. Determined I wasnt going to end up like my poor mum did. I was out straight on to Metformin one twice a day from the beginning. After few weeks I did start to feel bit better than I have for as long while, the only thing thats really been getting to me is the constant feeking of being light headed and generally just yuck. It started t get more and more often, especially while at work. I went to see Diabetic nurse, she wnated me to keep a track of when I felt like this and what BG was when I felt like this. There did seem to be a pattern of when it was 14 or above, on the odd occasion it went down to 5ish. went back to see Nurse end of last week and she said she thought I would need tablets changing but wanted to have HB1ac done to get an idea of general levels. Was suppose to ring me today but think I must have missed her, will ring tomorrow. Today at work, I do an 8-12am shift, about half an hour before I was due to leave I came over very light headed, couldnt seem to see properly for a while and really thought I was going to pass out. I managed to get home, I tested my blood and thought maybe it had gone bit lower but was 7.1 which was loish for me but not too bad. Felt absolutely awful the rest of the day, even went to bed for couple of hours. Tonight it has shot up to 16.9, had a chicken salad for tea so cant see where I m going wrong. Is really getting me down, sorry for moan, I thought I was dealing with this well but all seems to have got on top of me the last few days.
Hi Karent, really sorry to hear that you are having such a hard time of it at the moment - very frustrating too when you are trying your best to get things under control. It may be that your body is still getting used to the changes and medications and hopefully things will improve and settle down soon. It is good that your nurse is on the case and may be able to give you some medication that affects you more positively.

You have every right to feel upset, and the swinging levels certainly won't be helping your mood. Sometimes you can go through periods of not seeming to be able to get anything right - diabetes can be so unpredictable at times. Having high levels affects me in a similar way - I can generally tell now when something I have eaten has sent me way above my normal range.

Try to stay calm and get as much rest as you can. It is possible, of course, that you may have an infection brewing and you are experiencing the first symptoms of it. If so, at least you would have an explanation! Take care, things will get better.
It takes a while to get things sorted properly, but you are doing all the right things. We all have good days and bad days. I was diagnosed just before Easter 2006 and I love chocolate.

I hope you feel better soon. The tricks are to keep talking until you get the help you want and to be patient with yourself. It is quite a learning curve, but we here will help when we can. Sometimes I find the only way to deal with it is to shut myself into a room on my own and have a good bawl, but that is just my solution.
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